Cancer treatment progress

OSHU cancer institute study points to future cancer therapies tailored by the nature of the individual patient’s tumor Scientists at the Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute and elsewhere have discovered that patients responded differently to the targeted therapy Sunitinib (Sutent) depending on the type of genetic abnormality in their cancer. In my predictions of medicine, longevity was that we will have completely personalized medicine with trials and tests of drugs simulated and with real tissue that model your own DNA and cells

Gene therapy suppresses ovarian cancer growth in mice Ovarian cancer effects 25,000 women per year in the USA. 16,000 per year die from it in US alone. Gene therapy also prevents the onset of diabetes in mice

There is also hopeful signs of being able to modify e-coli bacteria to kill cancer cells

Progress with new trials for the australian developed cervical cancer vaccine is also reported The technology used in the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine will be tweaked to fight the most common sexually transmitted disease, genital warts. Australian of the Year and University of Queensland (UQ) cervical cancer vaccine creator Professor Ian Frazer launched a therapeutic vaccine trial for genital warts Tuesday, February 7, 2006.

Patients from Brisbane and China will take part in the joint project for UQ’s cancer research centre, the Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research (CICR) and the hospital’s sexual health service, Princess Alexandra Sexual Health (PASH). Professor Frazer said the vaccine used virus-like particles to deliver an antigen (protein that produces immunity) for genital warts similar to the cervical cancer vaccine.

“It will target the main causes of visible genital warts which are human papillomavirus (HPV6) and (HPV11),” Dr Frazer said