General Motors Admits to Working with EEStor

Denise Gray is GM’s director of advanced batteries and is principally involved in development of the Volt’s batteries. Denise spoke of General motors relationship with EEStor.

EEStor is one of those suppliers who often sends us information. We’re willing to evaluate what they have and provide information on what our portfolio of higher batteries needs are, so that as they hone in on their technology they recognize what that end game is all about.

So Yes, they are one of those suppliers that we frequently get information from.

So maybe one day we’ll see an EEStor-powered Chevrolet Volt?
Anything’s possible.

EEStor CEO Richard Weir has indicated he is working toward production “as soon as possible in 2009.”

On January 9, 2008 EEStor publicly announced that Morton L. Topfer, a former vice chair of Dell, was rejoining the board. He had previously left in mid-2007 for reasons not publicly disclosed