Dream influencing smartphone App from Japan

Gizmag – The Yumemiru app for iPhones and iPads can detect when you enter dream sleep and then plays a soundtrack to influence what happens in your dreams.

The app uses a timer and the Apple device’s microphone to detect when a user has entered REM sleep, which is when they’re most susceptible to dreaming. Then it begins to play a soundtrack for the specific type of dream that the user selects, which could include sound effects or voices directing their dream. The available dreams include walking through a forest, visiting the beach, flying, becoming rich, and even romances specified for both men and women.

The Yumemiru website in japanese.

Here is the google translate of the Yumemiru website

The available dreams in Yumemiru include walking through a forest, visiting the beach, flying, becoming rich, and even romances specified for both men and women

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