Star Trek – the Starship Enterprise still had two more years in its five year mission

The Star Trek Enterprise still had two more years left in its five year mission when the series was originally cancelled.

Now there is a new webseries – Star Trek Continues This new series is being brought to you in partnership with Farragut Films and DracoGen Investments – creators of the award-winning web series, Starship Farragut. The series is being shot in the original 4:3 format to keep the authenticity of the framing of the original series. It is very important to us that we provide a quality show and ancillary products, such as our website. Website development is provided in association with

If you loved the original Star Trek series then check out Star Trek Continues. It is like there is an 80th episode. The look, sound, writing and acting continue the original Star Trek series.

The cast includes Chris Doohan plays Scotty. He is the son of James Doohan (original Chief Engineer Scotty)
Grant Imahara plays Sulu. Grant is famous for being on Mythbusters.
Other mostly unknown but capable actors are in the other roles.

The webseries has interior production quality that matches the old series. The space animation is far better than the old series. The music and sounds are the same as the old series.

Apollo returns to wreak havoc on Kirk and the Enterprise in the first episode of the new series. Michael Forest, original series actor who played Apollo, reprises his role.

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