Donate to SENS antiaging research with a matching grant

There is a matching grant opportunity for those who donate to SENS antiaging until the end of 2015.

Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) is the term coined by British biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey for the diverse range of regenerative medical therapies, either planned or currently in development, for the periodical repair of all age-related damage to human tissue with the ultimate purpose of maintaining a state of negligible senescence in the patient, thereby postponing age-associated disease for as long as the therapies are reapplied.

The ultimate objective of SENS is the eventual elimination of age-related diseases and infirmity by repeatedly reducing the state of senescence in the organism.

Repairing aging damage seems like the easiest and fastest way to get good antiaging results.

By enumerating the various differences between young and old tissue identified by the science of biogerontology, a ‘damage’ report was drawn, which in turn formed the basis of the SENS strategy. The results fell into seven main categories of ‘damage’, seven alterations whose reversal would constitute negligible senescence

  1. cell loss or atrophy (without replacement)
  2. oncogenic nuclear mutations and epimutations,
  3. cell senescence (Death-resistant cells),
  4. mitochondrial mutations,
  5. Intracellular junk or junk inside cells (lysosomal aggregates),
  6. extracellular junk or junk outside cells (extracellular aggregates),
  7. random extracellular cross-linking.

For each of these areas SENS offers at least one strategy, with a research and a clinical component. The clinical component is required because in some of the proposed therapies, feasibility has already been proven, but not completely applied and approved for human trials. These strategies do not presuppose that the underlying metabolic mechanisms of aging be fully understood, only that we take into account the form senescence takes as directly observable to science, and described in scientific literature