Ten Fewer Least Developed Countries by 2024

In 2014, the population of LDCs (Least Developed Countries) was 898 million—1/8 of the world’s total.

The population in LDCs is expected to more than double between 2010 and 2050. In the same time period, the total world population is expected to grow less than 40%. However, the number of least developed countries will drop by ten or more 2024. Countries are graduating from Least Developed Country status. Bangladesh will officially graduate by 2024. The 160 million people in Bangladesh already qualify to not have Least Developed Country status.

Least Developed Nations Inclusion Thresholds
* GNI per Capita: For 2015 it was $1,035 and below
* HAI (Human Asset Index): 60 and below (fixed at 2012 levels)
* EVI (Economic Vulnerability Index): 36 and above (fixed at 2012 levels)

1. An LDC has to pass thresholds of any 2 criteria Or,
2. LDC’s Income over twice income graduation threshold
* GNI and HAI; or GNI and EVI; or HAI and EVI.

<>BGraduation Thresholds
* GNI per Capita : A moving goal post.
For 2015 review it was $1,242 and above ($2,484 and above for ‘Income only’ graduation).
Average of three previous years’ GNI per capita is taken e.g. 2015 review considered average of 2011-2013. 2018 will consider average of 2014-2016.
* HAI: 66 and above , EVI: 32 and below (fixed at 2012 levels)