Shweeb, bike sharing and compact bike parking would be 20 times cheaper for an urban commuting network

BMW has proposed networks of elevated roads exclusively for e-bikes and scooters. The elevated road is simple and modular in design, economical to build as a result, and provides a fast, direct link between key traffic hubs, making it the perfect alternative for commuters traveling up to 15 km. The E3 Way would have ramps …

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Bike Sharing, ride sharing and carpooling services will benefit from no growth in cars in Singapore

Singapore will lower the vehicle growth rate from the current 0.25% per annum to 0% with effect from February 2018 for COE Categories A, B and D. The existing vehicle growth rate of 0.25% per annum for Category C will remain unchanged until 1Q2021, to provide businesses more time to improve the efficiency of their …

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More rigid molecular magnets could boost hard drive capacity 1000 times

Ground-breaking research led by Prof Stefano Sanvito, Director of the CRANN Institute at Trinity College Dublin and Investigator in the Science Foundation Ireland funded centre AMBER, has demonstrated how molecular magnets could be used successfully in applications such as hard-disk drives and quantum computers. The breakthrough could increase a computer hard-disk’s capacity by 1000 using …

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Carbon nanospikes can convert CO2 into Ethaol with a 63% yield and a room temperature reaction

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed an electrochemical process that uses tiny spikes of carbon and copper to turn carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into ethanol. Their finding, which involves nanofabrication and catalysis science, was serendipitous. “We discovered somewhat by accident that this material worked,” said ORNL’s Adam Rondinone, …

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Russia will deploy innovative special ammunition for better penetration of fortification and armor

Russia’s intendsto modernise much of its military in the coming years. Russia will spend about $600 billion from now to 2020 upgrading tanks, planes, missiles and ships. The commander of Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense (RBhBD) troops, Maj. Gen. Eduard Cherkasov, announced a focus on so-called ‘flame weapons’ – incendiary, thermobaric and fuel-air explosive …

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Global Coal usage will continue to grow at 2.3% per year through 2018 and crude oil in the USA will reach all time production high by 2016

The US Energy Information Administration has its 2014 annual energy outlook. The EIA projected that domestic oil production would increase by an average of 800,000 barrels a day annually through 2016, nearly reaching the 1970 historic high of 9.6 million barrels a day. The increase in domestic oil production should bring the imported share of …

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DARPA exosuit and European Exoskeleton strive to reduce injuries from carrying heavy loads

DARPA seeks to create a working supersuit prototype that significantly boosts endurance, carrying capacity and overall Soldier effectiveness-all while using no more than 100 watts of power. They want it to be somfortable, durable and washable. The garment would not interfere with body armor or other standard clothing and gear. In fiction like Iron Man, …

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