Snapshot of the Race for More AI Compute

The number of Nvidia H100 and other Nvidia chips that an AI company represents the AI compute resources of that company. Elon indicated that a recent chart showing Meta leading on the GPU count and Tesla trailing at 10,000 G100 GPUs. Microsoft and OpenAI would also have higher GPU counts. It is unclear why Microsoft …

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Google Gemini is Over a Year Behind OpenAI

Google Gemini is inferior to OpenAI GPT-4 in independent testing. GPT-4 was released over a year ago. Anthropic just released Claude 3. It is competitive with OpenAI GPT-4 in independent testing. There are some testers who are finding Claude has less hallucination and is better at increasing computer coding productivity. Here is the huggingface area …

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ChatGPT Limits Access to Census Data of Any Country

Getting census data and links to census data from the ChatGPT and other large language models is revealing. ChatGPT is censoring census data. Partial list of countries that censor census data. There are countries that avoid creating any census data. Countries that have not had a census since 1990 include: Lebanon (1932) Afghanistan (1979) Eritrea …

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Google Videopoet for Text to Video and Image to Video LLM AI

Google just launched VideoPoet, and literally ChatGPT for: – Text-to-Video – Image-to-Video – Inpainting – Video Editing Videopoet has not been released yet but will be available soon from the Google research site. 1. Image to Video: Mona Lisa yawning. — Poonam Soni (@CodeByPoonam) December 26, 2023 2. Text to Video A skeleton drinking …

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Future AI Data Center Energy Needs

Estimated global data center electricity consumption in 2022 was 240-340 TWh, or around 1-1.3% of global final electricity demand. “It is really hard to quantify how much demand is needed for things like ChatGPT,” David Groarke, managing director at consultant Indigo Advisory Group, said in a recent phone interview. By 2030 AI could account for …

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Google Gemini Will Integrate AI into Google Apps and Is Good At Science

Google just revealed Gemini and will directly integrate the AI into Google apps. The GPT-4 competitor comes in 3 models — Ultra, Pro, and Nano. Gemini is multimodal and can recognize images and speak in real-time. With a score of 90%, Gemini Ultra is the FIRST AI model to outperform human experts on the MMLU …

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Stepping Up to the $20+ Billion Per Year ASI Race

Microsoft was already spending over $10.7 billion per quarter to build out data centers and AI compute (Q4 2023). There are reports that Microsoft will increase this capital spending to $50 billion per year. This would be averaging $12.5 billion per quarter. This capex spending is up from $7.8 billion in Q3 2023 (Jan-Apr 2023). …

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