UN 2050 Forecasts for China and India’s Populations Overestimate by Hundreds of Millions

The UN reports that Asia has a total population of 4.78 billion but the UN overestimates China’s population by 16 million people. Asia is about 60% of global population. India and China make up about 60% of Asia’s population. The UN Population division has forecasted far high populations and fertility for India and China than …

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Would Artificial Wombs Solve the Depopulation Crisis?

Nextbigfuture reader, Scott Baker, has gathered excellent information about the state of artificial womb development. Scott did this in response to my articles describing the massive global depopulation crisis. Scott has found videos and information about were tests over one year ago of biobags to help premature sheep. These are early forms of devices which …

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Lancet Forecasts Failure of Pro-Baby Policies and Global Population Collapse

Here are the key points of a Lancet study on global fertility. Global Fertility rates will continue to collapse even if all countries adopt the current best pro-baby policies (childcare subsidies, extended parental leave, insurance coverage expansion for infertility treatment). Future fertility rates were would drop to a global TFR (total fertility rate) of 1ยท83 …

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ChatGPT Limits Access to Census Data of Any Country

Getting census data and links to census data from the ChatGPT and other large language models is revealing. ChatGPT is censoring census data. Partial list of countries that censor census data. There are countries that avoid creating any census data. Countries that have not had a census since 1990 include: Lebanon (1932) Afghanistan (1979) Eritrea …

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Nextbigfuture Beat Statististics Canada Predicting Canada’s Future Population

In 2018, Nextbigfuture predicted that Canada would have 40 million people in 2023. Statistics Canada determined that Canada had 40 million people on June 16, 2023. I correctly made this prediction 6 years before it happened. The UN population “actual” numbers are off by 5% for Canada. The UN predictions are off by 20% or …

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Canada’s Population Passing 42 Million in 2024 and 50 Million by 2031

Canada’s realtime population count is about 3 weeks from reaching 41 million people. On June 16, 2023, Statistics Canada announced that Canada’s population had reached 40 million people. Canada is adding over 100,000 per month with 868,000 added over less than eight months. This will each over 880,000 by Feb 16, 2024. 15% of the …

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