Contribute to the direct to Diamondoid pathway

At the bottom of the long nanofactory collaboration page is a request for funds. The nanofactory collaboration is the leading theoretical and soon to be experimental effort for the direct to diamondoid molecular nanotechnology effort.

The economic value of the donated time and equipment currently being invested by all Collaboration participants on focused efforts is about $0.2M/yr, with almost no direct funding as yet. The ideal direct funding level to maximize results in the early years is $0.5-1M/yr, but even incremental support in the $30K-100K/yr range would produce measurable additional progress. The projection [below] assumes ideal funding levels are made available to a focused effort such as the Nanofactory Collaboration, and that our “Direct-to-DMS” approach is pursued rather than a more circuitous development approach that seeks to implement less efficacious nondiamondoid molecular manufacturing technologies before progressing to diamondoid.

Donations can be made through

How to donate to the IMM Freitas Research Fund:

* Phone 650-917-1120 with Visa/Mastercard info
* Fax 650 917 1123 with same
* Email [email protected] with same (not secure)
* Mail info or check to Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, 123 Fremont Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022 USA