Conditions could become ripe for better choices

Hopefully Wired magazine is correct and the political situation could shift to better science and technology R&D funding and deal for caps on emissions and new nuclear power

From the article:
With the Bush administration pushing for a new generation of nuclear plants (the current ones account for around 20 percent of U.S. electricity generation), the opportunity exists for what Bledsoe calls “a grand deal,” in which conservatives agree to mandatory emissions limits and liberals sign off on new nuclear power.”

A major report by the National Academies of Science called “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” recommended that the United States focus not only on improving math and science education in schools but also on increasing the federal investment in science and engineering research by 10 percent annually over the next seven years. The report called for specific attention to be paid to physical sciences, advocating for a Darpa-like research group in the Energy Department.