Pioneers of Environmentalism now support nuclear energy as part of solution

Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, is chairman and chief scientist of Greenspirit Strategies in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is co-chair of an industry-funded initiative, the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition, which supports increased use of nuclear energy. He indicates that nuclear energy should be part of the environmental solution and that coal and fossil fuel …

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Nanoparticles light interface to nerve cells

Nanoparticle integration with nerve cells and neurons Although light signals have previously been transmitted to nerve cells using silicon (whose ability to turn light into electricity is employed in solar cells and in the imaging sensors of video cameras), nanoengineered materials promise far greater efficiency and versatility. “It should be possible for us to tune …

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Better understanding for how to modify high temp superconductors

New insights into modifying high temperature superconductors How adjusting the pressure and substitution of isotopes effects the critical temperature. The results also suggest that vibrations (called phonons), within the lattice structure of these materials, are essential to their superconductivity by binding electrons in pairs. A proposed theoretical work for achieving room temperature superconductors is based …

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Three nearterm paths to Increasing intelligence

From Stephen Kosslyn, Havard Psychology, relatively nearterm paths to increasing intelligence Cognitive neuroscience and related fields have identified a host of distinct neural systems in the human brain. Different combinations of these systems are used in the service of accomplishing different tasks, and each system can be made more efficient by “targeted training.” Such training …

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Suberbot cube robots proof of nano building block concepts

Molecular manufacturing has a building block architecture conceptRecent Superbot work shows that modular building blocks can be highly functional. Wei-Min Shen of the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute recently reported to NASA significant progress in developing “SuperBot,” identical modular units that plug into each other to create robots that can stand, crawl, wiggle …

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Nanotech to help the poor?

How will NNI style nanotech or later nanotech be used to help the poor ? “Nanotechnology has the potential to generate enormous health benefits for the more than five billion people living in the developing world,” according to Dr. Peter A. Singer, senior scientist at the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health and Professor of Medicine …

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Table top X-ray lasers near

Table top x-rays could improve imaging resolution by 1000 times The X-rays we get in the hospital are limited by spatial resolution. They can’t detect really small cancers because the X-ray source in your doctor’s office is like a light bulb, not like a laser. If you had a bright, laser-like X-ray beam, you could …

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New glider sub can go three times deeper than military submarines

Deepglider, the 71-inch long, 138-pound device is made of carbon fiber that dive to 9000 feet (2700 meters). The energy-efficient, battery-powered glider carries sensors to measure oceanic conditions including salinity and temperature — information that is key to understanding climate change. It can also stay out to sea for up to a year. Boeing assembled …

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Advanced civilizations immune to natural asteroids

I have written about using space rocks as weapons. Robert A. Metzger had performed a calculation that a civilization with access to 100 to 1000 times the energy that we have now (possible with advanced nanotechnology) could make 1000 big particle accelerators and over a year slow planet earth down enough to dodge teh incoming …

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