Fermi paradox, metamaterials, dark matter, recent science and advanced aliens fading into the background

Traditional view of a Dyson’s sphere. Metamaterials could mask and alter the observable signature and alter the interaction with magnetism and the spectrum of space. The theory of dark matter is that 85-90% of the mass in the universe is dark and does not interact with the electromagnetic force. Recently there has been the design …

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Gene Therapy Breakthrough- Three Micro RNA inhibition injections reduces cholesterol 30%, 2013 for human use

Two forms of RNA either boost or suppress protein production, and scientists have in recent years discovered this system is central to a range of illnesses, including cancers, viral infections, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. Previous attempts to manipulate this process have failed because the drug molecules used were too large to get to the …

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The big energy picture

This is how much energy the United States was using from 2002 to 2006. Notice that solar is 0.1%. Nuclear increase from 2002 to 2006 was equal to the total amount of all solar power. (even though that was just operating efficiency and some small nuclear uprates). Oil and fossil fuel usage was increasing. Petroleum …

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Transhuman comic book series

There is a new comic book series entitled Transhuman Note: a comment on the pictured excerpt talking about average life expectancy. Some countries such as Japan already have life expectancy over 82 years. People who do not smoke, exercise, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and moderate alcohol consumption live 14 years longer In …

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Myostatin inhibitor update: Boosting follistatin may be better

Wyeth is not stopping developement of drug MYO-029 for blocking myostatin. They foudnd that MYO-029 was safe but that it was not very good at blocking myostatin or boosting muscle growth. They and other companies are working on more powerful and hopefully effective versions. Two sets of experiments investigating the effects of interfering with myostatin, …

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Carnival of Space Week 47

Carnival of Space week 47 is up at Martian Chronicles. I had contributed my article on fermi paradox related science and a pictorial review of oceans in our solar system. Centauri Dreams also talked about the possible ocean on Titan and the habitable zone of solar systems. Colony Worlds talks about the Bigelow inflatable space …

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Direct conversion of radiation into electricity using carbon nanotubes and a separate new approach to thermoelectrics

Liviu Popa-Simil, former Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear engineer and founder of private research and development company LAVM and Claudiu Muntele, of Alabama A&M University, US, say transforming the energy of radioactive particles into electricity is twenty times more effective (up to power density of 1 kw/cm^3) than thermoelectric materials. It will be big impact …

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Fermi paradox related space oceans and life and pictorial tour of Ocean’s in our solar system

Earth’s OceansMy own general view of the Fermi paradox (with the universe so big aliens should have visited by now) is that there is no reason to think that we are that interesting to need a visit instead of remote observation and if they visited more than 5000 years ago then we forgot or were …

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Zyvex Atomically Precise Manufacturing effort has $15 million in funding

Zyvex’s Atomically Precise Manufacturing effort has $15 million in funding. The project is part of the Atomically Precise Manufacturing Consortium led by Zyvex Labs LLC, a molecular nanotechnology company based in Richardson, Texas. The project includes a mixture of funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Texas Emerging Technology Fund and cost sharing …

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Whole genome sequencing costs continue to fall: $300 million in 2003, $1 million 2007, $60,000 now, $5000 by year end

Several companies are sequencing the human genome for about $60,000 to $100,000 and taking about 4 weeks. Whole genome sequencing could be $5000 or less and take 24 hours or less by the end of 2008. Inexpensive costs that will accelerate the transformation of medicine into personal genomics and personal medicine. Prices are going to …

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