Carnival of Space Week 70

Carnival of Space week 70 is up at Orbital Hub

New experiments for modular space craft that would control relative position via magnetic fields.

This site contributed the article on the advance in separating carbon nanotubes which seems likely to be a significant step towards space elevators.

A graduate student at Cornell University set up experiments to test the magnetic flux pinning system.

Flux pinning describes the interaction between a high temperature superconductor (HTSC) and a magnetic field. The magnetic field induces current vortices in the HTSC, which are sensitive to and resist the change in magnetic flux through the HTSC surface. This effect creates mechanical stiffness and damping that influence the motion of the magnetic field’s source in multiple degrees of freedom. In a multibody space system, HTSC/magnet pairs placed on individual vehicles tie the dynamics of each body to that of its neighbors, creating a non-contacting virtual structure.

Cosmic Ray discusss chances for life on the moons of jupiter-class planets in star system 10 light years away

The world orbits the southern star Epsilon Eridani, which is the third closest star to Earth viewable without a telescope, shining at third magnitude.

Check out the Carnival of Space week up for a lot more.