CNN Vital signs – The Clinic with Sanjay Gupta Interviewing Aubrey de Grey and Dan Buettner

Chief Medical Correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta and world-renowned anti-aging experts discussed practical steps for living longer, and cutting-edge research that could dramatically extend human lives. (for about 30 minutes)

Geneticist Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Scientific Officer of SENS Foundation, which researches and promotes regenerative medicine. He said that techniques such as stem cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering could one day be used in combination to let humans live for hundreds of years

Best-selling author Dan Buettner has carried out extensive studies to identify longevity hotspots around the world, documented in his book “The Blue Zones.”

“The real advantage of applying regenerative medicine to the problem of ageing is that we can actually turn the biological clock backwards,” he said.

“We can take people who are already middle aged, or perhaps older, and turn them back to having a lower biological age.”

While we’re waiting for breakthroughs in regenerative medicine, Buettner says there are a number of small lifestyle changes that could add another to decade to most people’s lives.

Stress can have a huge negative impact on long-term health, but it doesn’t only affect those living hectic lives. Buettner said that people living in “Blue Zones” also have to cope with stress, but they have better mechanisms for dealing with it.

* Aubrey – 50% chance within 25 years of an effective rejuvenation regimen in place
* Diseases of aging (alzheimers, etc…) are not separate from aging. Attack aging mechanisms to fix the diseases of aging

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