Carnival of Space 177

1. There was a lot of coverage of the Space Manufacturing conference from Parabolic Arc, Hobby Space (Space Transport News) and Transterrestial Musings

The Space studies institute hosting the conference

Hobby space has links and coverage of the space manufacturing conference.

Here was a summary of coverage of the Saturday afternoon session.

Here are Saturday morning session links

Videos for the Space Manufacturing conference 14 will be here


Ian O’Neill of Discovery looks at Pluto and dwarf planet Eris. Pluto is bigger but Eris is heavier.

3. Martian Chronicles has moved to new AGU host. Please update your bookmarks and links for Martian Chronicles

4. Weird Scieces considers a technological version of telepathy using wireless sensor networks

5. Weird Sciences considers in general various aspects of exotic space propulsion systems

6. Weird warp answer the question What are Pulsars?

7. We are all in the gutter reviews the first publicly released results of the Herschel-ATLAS survey The survey involves using gravitational lensing.

8. STS-133 Flight Day Journal is at collect space

9. Centauri Dreams sends ‘The Poetry of SETI’.

A look at SETI in terms of a recent international collaboration that marks, more or less, the 50th anniversary of the discipline, with abundant reference to science fiction.

10. 21st Century waves looks at the “The Allure of Moving to Mars Points to the New Space Age”

11. The Meridiani Joural looks at the coming avalance of planets

12. Cosmic mail slot? Crack in the sky? Starry Critters explores NGC 4452,an edge-on galaxy from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.

13. Starry Critters is one of Hubble Gold Stars,an award presented by IGES and NASA.

14. Astroswanny considers electric supercars, astronomy and James Bond movies

15. Mangs Bat looks at ancient craters and considers Remembrance Day.

16. Microwave thermal thruster patent and Phd thesis details

17. Craig Venter talks synthetic biology for space at the recent Space Manufacturing conference

– Start looking at genetic code of people to see how to adapt them to spaceflight
– Human metobiome to understand role of body microbes in human physiology
– Synthetic genomes for food, water, renewable fuel production and recycling waste
– Synthetic genomes to increase nutrition, decrease waste products, and provide radiation protection, etc.

18. The 100-Year Starship study is trying to create a vision that makes business sense yet will motivate generations to development and create manned interstellar spaceflight. Develop a business case and an enduring organization.

The 100-Year Starship study will examine the business model needed to develop and mature a technology portfolio enabling long-distance manned spaceflight a century from now. This goal will require sustained investments of intellectual and financial capital from a variety of sources. The yearlong study aims to develop a construct that will incentivize and facilitate private co-investment to ensure continuity of the lengthy technological time horizon needed.

19. The Road To Endeavour has the tracks of our years…

20. Astroblogger has Geo-xcentricities part 2; the view from Mars. Thoughts on the recent geocentric universe conference, and how to use images of the Earth from the rovers to show the solar system is heliocentric.

21. Cheapastro had a podcast on polar jets

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