Colloidal Lithography for patterning nonplanar surfaces

For the first time, a simple molecule that each time it chemically reacts with a surface prepares a hospitable neighbouring site at which the next incoming molecule reacts. Accordingly, these molecules, when simply dosed (blindly) on the surface, spontaneously grow durable ‘molecular-chains’. These molecular chains are the desired prototypes of nano-wires.

Development of a Colloidal Lithography Method for Patterning Nonplanar Surfaces

A colloidal lithography method has been developed for patterning nonplanar surfaces. Hexagonal noncontiguously packed (HNCP) colloidal particles 127 nm−2.7 μm in diameter were first formed at the air−water interface and then adsorbed onto a substrate coated with a layer of polymer adhesive 17 nm thick. The adhesive layer plays the critical role of securing the order of the particles against the destructive lateral capillary force generated by a thin film of water after the initial transfer of the particles from the air−water interface. The soft lithography method is robust and very simple to carry out. It is applicable to a variety of surface curvatures and for both inorganic and organic colloidal particles.

24 pages of supplemental material

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