India is planning a US$870 million project for an Exaflop Supercomputer in 2017

Popular Science Australia – India’s government-backed computing agency has submitted a plan to the government there that calls for a massive investment in next-generation supercomputing power. The proposal, which calls for an investment of more than $870 million over five years, claims that it can rocket India to the very peak of the TOP500 list, the twice-a-year tallying of the fastest computing platforms in the world. In fact, the proposal says that these exaflop-range machines will be a full 61 times faster than the fastest existing machine.

That machine is currently Sequoia, an IBM-built supercomputer residing at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that has demonstrated 16.32-petaflop speeds. A petaflop represents a thousand trillion floating point operations per second.

Jumping to the exaflop scale in just five years would truly be a leap forward for India. It’s current highest-ranking machine on the global TOP500 is in the 58th position

Although India’s Computer ministry is backing the formal proposal there has not been funding and approval for the central government.

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