The Maker Revolution

Chris Anderson focuses on innovation in terms of the new technology driven industrial revolution. Today’s entrepreneurs, using open source design and 3-D printing, are bringing manufacturing to the desktop. This DIY movement coupled with social networking is creating a new world of crowd-sourced design and production. Do It Yourself!: What are the implications of the worldwide Maker revolution?

Chris revisits the industrial revolution and how fantastic it was.
Productivity sky rockets. Cities are mass produced and modernity is created.
Quality of living vastly improves.

1. Industrial revolution he feel starts at 1776
2. Information age – PCs the democratization of information
3. The combination of the information age and industrial revolution. The maker revolution.

123D catch application for 3D scans of reality

123D design application for modifying 3D designs

Send 3D files to Thingaverse to print them out for $20.
Send 3D files to Alibaba to have chinese factories produce thousands of them.

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