There appear to be no economic miracle countries after China and if these countries do not make big progress then they will be trapped in being old and poor

Various economic forecasts do not show any countries consistently strongly growing faster than a slowed 6-7% GDP growth pace from China. China had mainly 9-14% GDP growth for 40 years and it took that long to get to 25% of the US per capita GDP. The Conference Board forecasts the economies of China and India …

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If India can improve economic policy and Modi wins decisively then India might have 6.5% GDP growth for 5 years

Crisil Research in its recent report says it expects the Indian economy to grow by 6.5 percent annually between 2014-15 and 2018-19. However, it clearly states this kind of growth will be possible only if there is a decisive mandate in the Lok Sabha polls. This is good news for the Indian economy considering the …

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