Skype cofounders make ground delivery robot to make local deliveries ten times cheaper

Starship Technologies, startup with Skype cofounders, is leading the revolution in local delivery. By introducing smart, friendly robots that travel the sidewalks, Starship is aiming to ultimately make the local delivery of goods free.

Starship robots are revolutionary devices that can carry parcels or grocery bags (10 kilograms) within a 3 mile (5km) radius. Starship’s technology and approach allows us to lower the cost of local delivery by a factor of 5-10x.

It is like a smart robotic, rolling cooler.

This would be delivery in 30 minutes or less. The robots are equipped with cameras and sensors. The robot uses “integrated navigation and obstacle avoidance software,” said the company, and can travel at the speed of four miles per hour. This is a 99 percent self-driving robot which in difficult situations is handled by a remote distant operator, speaking to pedestrians via speakers. The cargo bay is locked to prevent theft. By means of an app, a customer can follow the robot’s progress and be given an alert when the delivery arrives. Only the app holder is able to unlock the cargo.

SOURCES – Youtube, Starship Technologies