Molecular mechanical computing design 2000 times more energy computation efficient than the upper bound estimate for the human brain

Up until now computer designs that have been theoretically known have been less energy efficient than the human brain. We could project supercomputers that could reach an exaFLOP and perhaps a zettaFLOP but the designs typically need megawatts to gigawatts of power.

ExaFLOP (10^18 operations per second)

Onchip photonics at low power a key aspect of taking something like our current computer hardware to zettaFLOP (10^21 operations per second) levels

Some common estimates of the computing power of the human brain are 10^13 to 10^16 operations per second 10^19 operations per second is a likely upper bound to simulate a human mind. The human brain needs about 20 watts of power.

A mechanical molecular computer designed of the Merkle-Freitas et al design has the potential to provide 10^21 Operations/Watt, over 10^11 times more efficient than conventional “green” supercomputers, which currently provide about 7 GFLOPS/Watt. Only two types of parts are required: Links, and rotary joints. Links are simply stiff, beam-like structures. Rotary joints are joints that allow rotational movement in a single plane.

It would be 2000 times more energy computation efficient than the upper bound estimate for the human brain.

A molecular model of a diamond-based lock, top view. Hydrogens are white, Carbons are green

A molecular model of a diamond-based lock, ¾ view