Final Frontier Medical Devices won the tricorder xprize with device that can diagnose 90% of ER situations at home

Final Frontier Medical Devices was announced the highest performing team and received $2.5 million for their achievement and Dynamical Biomarkers Group received $1M for 2nd place. Both teams exceeded the competition requirements for user experience, nearly met the challenging audacious benchmarks for diagnosing the 13 disease states, and with their prototypes, have taken humanity one step closer to realizing Gene Roddenberry’s 23rd century sci-fi vision. XPRIZE congratulates Final Frontier Medical Devices and Dynamical Biomarkers Group on their amazing achievements.

In celebration of efforts that inspire others to take risks and strive for “moonshots”, even if ultimately they do not win the XPRIZE, team Cloud DX was also recognized as XPRIZE’s first Bold Epic Innovator receiving $100,000, sponsored by Qualcomm Foundation.

Final Frontier Medical Devices had an artificial intelligence-based engine, DxtER, that learns to diagnose medical conditions by integrating learnings from clinical emergency medicine with data analysis from actual patients. DxtER includes a group of non-invasive sensors that are designed to collect data about vital signs, body chemistry and biological functions. This information is then synthesized in the device’s diagnostic engine to make a quick and accurate assessment.

DxtER is a consumer product designed to monitor your health and diagnose illnesses in the comfort of your own home. DxtER functions autonomously, but can also share important information with your healthcare providers at your discretion. At the heart of DxtER is an artificially intelligent engine that learned to diagnose by integrating years of experience in clinical emergency medicine with data analysis from actual patients having a variety of medical conditions and outcomes. Included with DxtER is a collection of non-invasive sensors custom-designed to collect data about your vital signs, body chemistry, and biological functions. The diagnostic engine synthesizes your health data to make a quick and accurate assessment.