Elon Musk Rapidly Climbing to Richest Person

In May, 2016, Elon Musk’s net worth according to Forbes had climbed to $15 billion, but Tesla stock has risen about 20% and is at $18.6 billion.

Elon has 33.6 million shares of Tesla (about 19% of the company) worth $12.86 billion at todays $383 per share.

Spacex had filings with a valuation of $10 billion and Elon owns 54% of Spacex. However, Fidelity had claimed that Spacex was worth $15 billion in 2016. This would put Elon’s Spacex stake at $8.1 billion.

The combined amounts should actually put Elon Musks net worth at about $21 billion. Spacex value could be climbing even more with many successful launches this year.

In the next few years, Spacex value could skyrocket by launching a global network of internet satellites. The global internet network could easily be worth $30 billion. Success with the Falcon Heavy and full reusability would allow massive launch capability and hundreds of launches per year. Spacex could head towards the $94 billion value of Boeing and beyond with that kind of success.

Tesla could also increase by several multiples if the Tesla 3 launch and the follow on mass commercialization succeeds.

Elon could achievably increase his net worth by four times or more. The two richest people in the world now are Bill Gates at $89.4 billion and Jeff Bezos at $85.9 billion.