If These US Navy Patents are Made Then We Are in a Star Trek Technology World

Salvatore Cezar Pais is a US Navy researcher. Salvatore has three amazing patents that would be incredible breakthroughs in physics if they are true. The least extreme is a patent for Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor. The other two patents are gravity wave generator and inertial mass reduction.

If these could be realized as technologies then we are talking Star Trek level spaceships. The gravitational wave generator could be used for propellentless propulsion to near the speed of light. Being able to reduce inertia would also mean capabilities which currently seem beyond known physics.

The more likely situation is that these will not lead anywhere and are incorrect.

1. Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor (2019)
Patent US 20190058105A1

2. High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator (2017)
Patent US20180229864A1

3. Craft using an inertial mass reduction device (2016)
Patent US10144532B2

Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor

Room temperature superconductivity is achieved from abrupt/accelerated vibration of a wire through use of a pulsed current through the wire.

High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator

A high-frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas-filled shell with an outer shell surface, microwave emitters, sound generators, and acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities. The outer shell surface is electrically charged and vibrated by the microwave emitters to generate a first electromagnetic field. The acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities each have a cavity surface that can be electrically charged and vibrated by acoustic energy from the sound generators such that a second electromagnetic field is generated. The two acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities are able to counter spin relative to each other to provide stability, and propagating gravitational field fluctuations are generated when the second electromagnetic field propagates through the first electromagnetic field.

High Frequency Gravitational Waves – Induced Propulsion

It may be possible to generate high power / high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) by high frequency accelerated axial rotation (spin) and/or accelerated high frequency vibration of an electrically charged, possibly asymmetric structure, within the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, namely far-from-equilibrium physics, highly non-linear in nature.

The structure which is the HFGW generator (HFGWG), has the ability to control the accelerated modes of vibration and spin of its electrically charged surfaces, in particular the rapid rates of change of accelerated-decelerated-accelerated vibration and/or accelerated-decelerated-accelerated gyration (axial spin) of these electrified surfaces, in this manner delaying the onset of relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium, thus generating a physical mechanism which may induce anomalous effects. Under certain conditions, involving rapid acceleration transients, it is observed that there will be exponential growth in electromagnetic energy flux with accelerating vibration. In the present paper, high power HFGWs are generated by enabling the Gertsenshtein effect, that is gravitational wave production by propagating electromagnetic radiation through strong magnetic fields.

Controlled motion of charged matter under rapid acceleration transients may enable macroscopic quantum coherence, namely possible quantum mechanical behavior of macroscopic objects. Moreover, the accelerated vibration and/or spin of charged matter may generate high power /high-frequency gravitational waves which can be used in a variety of applications, such as advanced field propulsion, namely the design of a workable space drive.

Therefore, it may be feasible to propel a hybrid craft equipped with an HFGWG, by producing high-frequency gravitational waves which in turn generate their own gravitational fields upon which the craft would propagate in a ‘wave-surfing’ fashion.

The generation of high power high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) is just one application of the fundamental innovative principle behind this work, namely the enablement of macroscopic quantum coherence induced by controlled motion of charged matter, subjected to rapid acceleration transients.

Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic (EM) fields can interact strongly with the local Vacuum energy state (an aggregate/collective state comprised of the superposition of all fluctuations in the collective quantum fields permeating a given spacetime locality). According to quantum field theory, this strong interaction between the fields is based on the mechanism of transfer of vibrational energy between the fields, further inducing local fluctuations in adjacent quantum fields which permeate that spacetime locality (these fields may or may not be electromagnetic in nature).

In a peer-reviewed paper by the inventor(Salvatore Cezar Pais), entitled “The high energy electromagnetic field generator,” published in the International Journal of Space Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015 pp. 312-317. The inventor discusses the possibility of inertial (or gravitational) mass reduction using high energy electromagnetic (EM) fields, whereby, high frequency accelerated vibration and/or high frequency accelerated spin of electrically charged systems (minimally charged, if so desired) can lead to local vacuum state polarization (energy flux values in excess of 10^33 W/m2 are feasible, with corresponding energy densities in excess of 10^25 J/m3). In this manner, the local spacetime energy density is modified. These systems would be strategically placed on an intergalactic craft.

Craft using an inertial mass reduction device

A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high-frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.

There are four known fundamental forces which control matter and, therefore, control energy. The four known forces are strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. In this hierarchy of forces, the electromagnetic force is perfectly positioned to be able to manipulate the other three. A stationary electric charge gives rise to an electric (electrostatic) field, while a moving charge generates both an electric and a magnetic field (hence the electromagnetic field). Additionally, an accelerating charge induces electromagnetic radiation in the form of transverse waves, namely light. Mathematically, as well as physically, electromagnetic field intensity can be represented as the product of electric field strength and magnetic field strength. Electromagnetic fields act as carriers for both energy and momentum, thus interacting with physical entities at the most fundamental level.

Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields, such as those generated with a high energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), interact strongly with the vacuum energy state. The vacuum energy state can be described as an aggregate/collective state, comprised of the superposition of all quantum fields’ fluctuations permeating the entire fabric of spacetime. High energy interaction with the vacuum energy state can give rise to emergent physical phenomena, such as force and matter fields’ unification. According to quantum field theory, this strong interaction between the fields is based on the mechanism of transfer of vibrational energy between the fields. The transfer of vibrational energy further induces local fluctuations in adjacent quantum fields which permeate spacetime (these fields may or may not be electromagnetic in nature). Matter, energy, and spacetime are all emergent constructs which arise out of the fundamental framework that is the vacuum energy state.

Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time. Therefore, under certain conditions (such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin with hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems) the rules and special effects of quantum field behavior also apply to macroscopic physical entities (macroscopic quantum phenomena).

Moreover, the coupling of hyper-frequency gyrational (axial rotation) and hyper-frequency vibrational electrodynamics is conducive to a possible physical breakthrough in the utilization of the macroscopic quantum fluctuations vacuum plasma field (quantum vacuum plasma) as an energy source (or sink), which is an induced physical phenomenon.

The quantum vacuum plasma (QVP) is the electric glue of our plasma universe. The Casimir Effect, the Lamb Shift, and Spontaneous Emission, are specific confirmations of the existence of QVP.

It is important to note that in region(s) where the electromagnetic fields are strongest, the more potent the interactions with the QVP, therefore, the higher the induced energy density of the QVP particles which spring into existence (the Dirac Sea of electrons and positrons). These QVP particles may augment the obtained energy levels of the HEEMFG system, in that energy flux amplification may be induced.

It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state), equivalent to an accelerated excursion far from thermodynamic equilibrium (analogous with symmetry-breaking induced by abrupt changes of state/phase transitions). The physical mechanism which drives this diminution in inertial mass is based on the negative pressure (hence repulsive gravity) exhibited by the polarized local vacuum energy state (local vacuum polarization being achieved by a coupling of accelerated high frequency vibration with accelerated high frequency axial rotation of an electrically charged system/object) in the close proximity of the system/object in question. In other words, inertial mass reduction can be achieved via manipulation of quantum field fluctuations in the local vacuum energy state, in the immediate proximity of the object/system. Therefore it is possible to reduce a craft’s inertia, that is, its resistance to motion/acceleration by polarizing the vacuum in the close proximity of the moving craft.

Polarization of the local vacuum is analogous to manipulation/modification of the local space tie topological lattice energy density. As a result, extreme speeds can be achieved.

If we can engineer the structure of the local quantum vacuum state, we can engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level (thus affecting a physical system’s inertial and gravitational properties). This realization would greatly advance the fields of aerospace propulsion and power generation.


Written By Brian Wang.

68 thoughts on “If These US Navy Patents are Made Then We Are in a Star Trek Technology World”

  1. A patent is designed to keep foreign entities from commercializing the technology. They must know that the Chinese or Russians already have this technology. As civilizations advance they learn to use technologies like this, that's why looking for large dyson sphere like structures as a sign of aliens is absurd. If you haven't noticed the more advanced we get everything seems to "evaporate" into the cloud. The books, the media, the brick and mortar retail stores. The cloud does have a physical construct somewhere but that too is also getting smaller and smaller. Matter/Anti-Matter reactions and vacumm energy will provide all the energy needed.

  2. Here's the way I look at it. They (US Military) already has it. They put the patents out just to stop the Chinese
    from patenting it first.

  3. Antigravity engine

    Antigravity is a concept that still people consider a science-fiction utopia.          Information on antigravity research has begun to appear in the media lately.                                                           In documents preserved in ancient Sanskrit in ancient India  over 15,000 years ago, an anti-gravity propulsion method is presented as:        a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract  all gravitational pull.                In 1992 the scientist Eugen Podkletnov, achivd  a very complex device with superconductors (-1970 C), using a high-speed rotation(5000 rot/min) in liquid nitrogen and ultra-powerful electric field (1 M V). Podkletnov claimed a 2% weight reduction. Unfortunately the experiment could never be repeated.              
    Fig. 1 MAGIC Engine. Scheme of principle                           The MAGIC Engine is a device  by  which rotating,  cancels 100% of the weight of the masses.                                                     
    This method was applied when designing, experimenting and making   the centrifugal inertial anti-gravitational engine.

     Fig. 2 MAGIC Engine. Experimental Model
    MAGIC Engine uses a classical electric motor and a drive system to rotate the weights (batteries, fuel, hydraulic oil, etc. )  of the device at a certain angle and a certain speed so that  weights should “float”. A powerful centrifugal force is generated, w

  4. While this room temperature superconductor may be doubtful, at least 40 rtsc exist. See most of them at superconductors.org For a few more that have production potential see ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS at aesopinstitute.org

  5. This a patent filed with operable claims meaning have built it and have been using it.. if you want to see videos of this craft search for TR3B…

  6. The UAP’s that F-18 pilots had encounters with on the West and East coast exhibited instantaneous hypersonic speeds and super high G maneuvers that would kill a pilot. The pilots were eye witnesses. They were tracked on radar and captured on IR cameras on the jets. Clearly these craft exist. Isn’t it more likely that we or an adversary has figured this out than the alternative?

  7. There is a great temptation by technically trained an educated people to read this story or just a headline and set it aside as crank. However, for those who truly have a scientific mind, before you make up your mind, you should consider to download the four applicable patents obtained by the NAVY that are in an interesting way, inter-related. Study these four patents and try to understand the claim and the essence of each invention. The four patents are: “High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator;” a room temperature superconductor; an electromagnetic ‘force field’ generator that could deflect asteroids; and, perhaps the strangest of all, one titled “Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device.” 
    First, you should know that NAVY is under no obligation to reveal any technology demonstrator, prototype or operational vehicle under operation if this vehicle or its technology is classified. If you think that a vehicle would be unclassified so that the NAVY can obtain a patent you would be wrong. Also, the nature of each one of these inventions, in my opinion, would merit a very high degree of classification and technological sensitivity.
    After considering these four patents, albeit without evidence, I am under the impression that the NAVY has at a minimum working test articles and/or prototypes that validate each and every claim in these patents. Google  , the Gertsenshtein effect. Start there and read the patents.

  8. Looks like disinformation. These patents are put out to confuse the Russians and Chinese. They even made it exactly like the tic tac UFO described by the USS Nimitz pilots.

  9. Reading annoyed comments about patent office politics, perhaps it would have been better to cite scientific technical and conference papers instead of partially obscure patents.

    Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D. Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) / Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), has recently published two papers related to the last two patents:

    “The high energy electromagnetic field generator”, Int. J. Space Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015. doi: 10.1504/IJSPACESE.2015.075910

    “High Frequency Gravitational Waves – Induced Propulsion”, Technical Paper 2017-01-2040, SAE International, 2017. doi: 10.4271/2017-01-2040

  10. “Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor” – after reading the patent I can see the rtsc effect but the power required to achieve it is greater than the IR losses the invention is designed to prevent. So, it will work but at what cost? Nitrogen cooling of lower temp superconductors is cheaper.

  11. I swear, if this somehow works out to be real, and it comes out that it’s a product of tech that Nazis were working on… dear God, the memes are going to crash the Internet.

  12. Not necessarily.

    Mach Effect Thrusters are compatible with General Relativity, and if they’re finally proven to really work, would do so by effectively modifying inertia.
    Relativity only requires that inertial and gravitational mass always be the same. They would represent a way to transfer energy to and from gravitational fields, but that is no more a violation of conservation laws than it is when inductors do the same thing for electromagnetic fields.

  13. “Room temperature” superconductors are probably possible, since ones that work at over -20C under ultrahigh pressure have already been demonstrated. But what we’re really after is one that works up to about 350K and under 0-2 ATM of pressure (as in, most ambient environments on Earth). It isn’t as certain that one of those exists. If he’s found a simple way to effectively produce such a material, why not get a few investors to synthesize and test a sample of it? Success would be a de facto license to print money.

    As for his gibberish-riddled 2nd and 3rd patents, the only parts that aren’t polysyllabic noise appear to rip off the IP of Woodward and White, both long affiliated with NASA & other space research into propellant-less space drives. Using the Mach Effect to manipulate inertia is something Woodward has worked on for at least 30 years, and I even recognize the same verbiage in patent #3 from publications White put out over the past 10-15 years. So even if some real device ultimately came out of this hot mess, this guy’s patent on it probably wouldn’t survive the resulting lawsuits.

    The patent office really needs to stop issuing these extremely speculative patents. You shouldn’t be able to get a patent for a device that you haven’t actually built, let alone ones that may be impossible to build.

  14. Increased Mass reduction is based on increasing rates of motion. This technology will work. Learn the MTS equation in the book : “I Have Become Space”.

  15. I’ve tongue in cheeked your comment as a way to see either:
    Anger – no substantial rebuttal.
    Humor – clever rebuttal with or without substance WRT the topic
    Info – a brass tacks breakdown of why the apparent incredibility of what you said is erroneous; ie how that conspiracy theory you suggested is actually credible.

    You haven’t done the third, and if you’ve done the second it was too subtle for me.

    The “And?” post was an opportunity to demonstrate how I failed empiricism; you went for ad hominem instead by implying that what you’re saying was QED already. Which is some kind of tautology, or something.

    I’m not sure why naming fallacies for what they are is bad. Can you explain that one?

  16. There’s nothing obscure about :

    ad hominem – discredit the person not the argument: “you look funny so what you just said is not credible”.
    non sequitur – anything that does not follow the logic it pretends to argue: “1, 2, 3, 4, banana”.

    Do you recognize those bearded dudes? They’re not “obscure”.

  17. I wouldn’t go so far as to say the laws can’t be broken.

    But if the laws ARE broken, then that breaks eleventy other laws and our entire understanding of the universe needs to be rebuilt from scratch.

  18. xD You rock, that’s what I was curious about, thanks!!
    So, then if, by some whack miracle– which won’t occur, and I realize I’m entering into the ever-so-dangerous realm of “what if”– the the machine functions as advertised, then that would mean it’s effect is being caused in a way they don’t understand, right? Since there are laws that can’t be broken. They’ll have to throw up their hands, like. “GREAT. It works, but since it CAN’T be working, but is… we have to retreat to the lab to find out why.”

    …which would take God knows how long.

  19. More like Star Wars given this Death Star Patent application (US 2018/0229864 A1) containing the claim “The implications of colliding/focusing HFGWs generated by rapidly accelerated vibration/spin of electrically charged systems can be used in applications of propulsion as well as the extreme disruption of a planetary body (if so desired) since it can be shown that the energy level (gain in potential energy) capable of annihilating a planet such as the Earth is on the order of 10^32 Joules (which may be achieved with the concept at hand…”

  20. Room temperature superconductors exist although they are not yet recognized by the scientific community. See superconductors.org for most of them. ULTRACONDUCTORS at aesopinstitute.org mentions polymer RTSC that have had 4 DOD SBIR Contracts including a Phase II with the USAF. RTSC wire made of these polymers can now be ordered in large quantities from a firm in the UK.

  21. Gravity wave generators aren’t necessarily perpetual motion machines. But gravity wave generators that can fit on a desktop and not fall to the center of the planet are, because they’re violating a basic relationship between gravity and inertial mass which is otherwise observed throughout the universe.

    You could leverage this to generate power out of nothing by generating gravity waves with a small, low power device, which waves then yank around massive objects, because gravity produces forces proportional to mass, and kinetic energy is proportional to mass.

    The whole system has to respect the gravitational=inertial mass constraint to avoid this result. And, if you respect that?

    You end up with gravity wave generators having astronomical mass and power requirements. And nobody is going to patent colliding black holes, they’re preexisting art…

  22. If it is a gravity emitter wouldnt have to use it to travel. If you built a big enough emitter you could fold the space time continuum. And the magical land of narnia would appear.

  23. How is a gravity wave drive a perpetual motion generator? I know perpetual motion generators aren’t possible, but I don’t know enough to explain why gravity wave generation would be that kind of machine. >_>

  24. Possibly worse, for a lot of stuff which is actually preexisting art, or so bloody obvious as to be absurd.

    A patent for something that can’t work is just a joke, and a slight waste of resources, but a patent on something that works but shouldn’t qualify for a patent imposes serious market distortions.

  25. Standard operating practice to issue inventions that are just on the cusp of believable. that way, when someone does actually make this work they could be in violation of the “original” patent. Especially in defense/skunk works – related things. Also note that the inventor, while appearing to be an actual human being (the Navy department owning the patent is real) has never published a single peer-reviewed paper, though has now 3 patents under “his” belt. Hm.

    There was one case a few years ago of a rejected patent for a wormhole teleportation device. Very unusual for the US patent office to reject, but they did take a look at it.

  26. Of course the us govt has secret space travel tech. How else could they travel to the moon to film the fake Apollo landings?

  27. On the other hand, if it’s nonsense then the patent expiring has no useful effect.

    The point is that the inventor can say “this is a patented invention, so it’s real, trust me, give me money”. Early expirey doesn’t address that.

  28. Ignoring the fact that a gravity wave drive and an inertial manipulator are both effectively perpetual motion machines

  29. well this is slightly less science fiction than the Republican Party talking points about welfare you were posting the other day

  30. Hope the Navy isn’t paying for the cost of these patent applications, unless he has actual proven working prototypes. Of course if he did, it would likely be Top Secret.

  31. Not saying this one is a hoax but has anyone noticed the tendency for the hoaxes to come out on the weekend. Friday night or saturday all day. I think that is because it is extremely hard to contact peer groups on a weekend.

  32. It’s just a [insert pet favorite conspiracy variant] decoy to distract from the actual instantaneous multiverse teleportation tech that NASA and Bezos and Musk and Branson and […] are hiding from the public!

  33. If these were authentic wouldn’t the Department of Defense classify this as top secret? This technology would be a game changer.

  34. If they’re fake, why would the Navy apply for them?

    Is it a disinformation campaign to try to get other governments to throw away resources on dead ends? Or is it a “4 lies and a truth” strategy? If I say enough crazy stuff, nobody will notice when I patent something crazy that actually works.

  35. I’ll believe this stuff when they get working examples of it. As Brett pointed out, patents are granted for lots of stuff that is in reality unworkable.

  36. Yup, at the very least, patents like these should expire in a very short period of time, say a year or less, unless they can build and demonstrate feasibility in that time.

  37. Show me some working prototypes and I’ll believe it.

    These sound like some far out-there, fringe physics proposals rather than any kind of technically feasible devices.

  38. The patent office stopped requiring inventors to prove their invention worked, or was even theoretically capable of working, decades ago. They’ll reject a few categories of inventions, like perpetual motion machines, and that’s about it.

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