Maximizing Ridesharing Can Drive Small Satellite Launch to $1 Million or Less

Spaceflight Industries offers routine, cost-effective access to space by maximizing rocket ridesharing. Spaceflight to assist in identifying, booking and managing rideshare launches. They have a straightforward and cost-effective suite of products and services including state-of-the-art satellite infrastructure, rideshare launch offerings, payload integration and global communications networks, Spaceflight enables commercial, non-profit organizations and government entities to achieve their mission goals – on time and on budget.

Spaceflight packed a record-breaking 64 satellites on a SpaceX rocket in December, 2018.

Spaceflight is driving down the cost of launch with its ride-sharing model for small satellite companies.

Spaceflight is driving the cost down to $1 million per ridesharing launch. This is five to ten times less than other launch options for small satellite companies.

Morgan Stanley considers Spaceflight Industries one of the most important companies disrupting space launch.

Spaceflight has contracts to launch about 100 satellites so far in 2019.

BlackSky High Resolution Earth Imaging from Spaceflight Industries

BlackSky is Spaceflight Industries business unit for Earth imaging. They successfully launched two satellites in 2018. The Global-1 and Global-2 are in space they will launch six more in 2019. Spaceflight Industries will eventually have constellation of 60 satellites to provide high-resolution photos of Earth nearly on demand.

The company announced a $150 million fundraising round in March for the first 20 satellites of the BlackSky constellation.

BlackSky is working with Amazon Web Services and the AWS Ground Station business. Amazon is building a network of satellite connection facilities.