How Many Will Go For the New Antiaging Options?

For at least the next, ten to fifteen years, people who want to apply lifestyle and medicine to apply the latest research in antiaging it will mostly be do-it-yourself. People will have to seek out open-minded doctors if they need certain prescriptions. There will also be options in terms of overseas pharmacies and clinics. Clearly, these options can have some more risks than working within the medical system. However, people have already used these alternative options for lower cost access to drugs like Viagra and Cialis.

How Many Will Go For the New Antiaging Options? Perhaps 1% have gone for comprehensive diet and exercise lifestyles that can add 7 years to lifespan. About 80% of the world does not smoke. About 85% of the US population does not smoke. 70% of the world is not obese.

The number of people following and sustaining the calorie restriction diet is perhaps only a few tens of thousands. There are far more trying the various forms of intermittent fasting.

There are some early antiaging drugs and supplements which seem to have some scientific evidence of some effectiveness. Those are metformin, NAD+ and other drugs.

Some studies indicate that metformin is half as effective as aggressive lifestyle management.

Lifestyle Modification

There are various diet and lifestyle modifications which can enable people to have a 1 in 2 chance to live to about 88 instead of 80 for men or 83 for women.

There a few million people who follow the Seventh-day Adventist lifestyle. There are other populations and lifestyles like the Okinawa diet.

There were a few roughly 30,000 person Seven-day Adventist participated in few health studies.

On average Adventist men live 7.3 years longer and Adventist women live 4.4 years longer than other Californians.

Five simple health behaviors promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for more than 100 years (not smoking, eating a plant-based diet, eating nuts several times per week, regular exercise and maintaining normal body weight) increase life span up to 10 years.

* Reducing consumption of red and white meat was associated with a decrease of colon cancer.
* Eating legumes was protective for colon cancer.
* Eating nuts several times a week reduces the risk of heart attack by up to 50%.
* Eating whole bread instead of white bread reduced non-fatal heart attack risk by 45%.
* Drinking 5 or more glasses of water a day may reduce heart disease by 50%.
* Men who had a high consumption of tomatoes reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 40%.
* Drinking soy milk more than once daily may reduce prostate cancer by 70%.

Calorie Restriction Lifespan Impact

In Nature Communications in 2017 there was a study that looked at the survival of Monkeys using calorie restriction.

The median survival estimates for old-onset males were very high, similar to what has been reported previously as the 90th percentile for this species (∼35 years of age). Six of the original 20 monkeys have lived beyond 40 years of age, the previous maximal lifespan recorded, and one old-onset CR male monkey is currently 43 years old, which is a longevity record for this species. Median survival estimates for old-onset females, ∼27 and ∼28 for controls and CR respectively, were also greater than national median lifespan estimates, with one remaining female currently 38 years of age. The clear benefit in survival estimates for monkeys within the old-onset cohort compared to UW controls suggests that food intake can and does influence survival.

If humans had a similar impact from calorie restriction then instead 50% of the people making it to 80 then it would be 50% making it to 89. Currently, 10% made it to 89 or higher.

Senolytics Drugs to Remove Senescent Cells

Senolytics Drugs extend the lifespan of mice by about 35% and newer drug protocols might achieve a 50% increase in mice lifespan.

In an interview in 2016, Nathaniel David (CEO, Unity Biotechnology indicated that he thought that the Unity Senolytic drugs would be approved for commercial usage around 2023. He indicated the clinical trials would start at about 2018 and he was right.

Nathaniel feels that the various localized versions of senolytics would eventually give confidence to the FDA that eliminating senescent cells throughout the body would be safe and effective and that this could be achieved in the 2030s.

Nathaniel feels that Senolytics by themselves would improve healthspan and reduce age-related diseases in humans.

For those who cannot wait up to fifteen years for commercial available of all-body senolytics, then the current option is to get Dasatinib-Quercetin drugs to remove senescent cells.

Dasatinib is a chemotherapy drug. It is used in combination with Quercetin, a plant flavonol to extend life. Taken together in clinical trials, the drug cocktail was shown to extend the life of lab mice by 36 percent. The effect seems to have the same amount of antiaging as calorie restriction.

AgeX Inducing Regeneration and Other Stem Cell Work

Nextbigfuture has had recent interviews with Dr. Michael West and Aubrey de Grey of AgeX.

AgeX is looking to apply stem cells and gene therapy-induced and telomerase tissue regeneration for antiaging.

There are two main areas of AgeX work.
1. Purestem. It creates highly pure populations of particular types of stem cells. You need to not use pluripotent stem cells inside the body. You need to slightly differentiate the stem cells but make them oligopotent. They can become a particular type of stem cell. AgeX technology can produce this reliably and with high purity.

2. iTr. AgeX is working on induced tissue regeneration (or rejuvenation). AgeX has identified genes to make them regenerative but do not make them pluripotent.

Other researchers are making progress preventing stem cells and tissue transplants from triggering immune system response. They are also making progress to universal stem cells that would enable mass produced stem cell treatments. If these advances are made the cost for stem cell treatments would be far lower and they would be more effective. There would not be the costs, risks and downsides of drugs to knock down the immune system to prevent rejection.

Gene Therapy for Aging Reversal

George Church revealed progress on aging reversal using gene therapies. They have delivered 45 gene therapies to provide aging reversal. They find the combined treatment is effective against obesity, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiac damage and kidney disease.

The peer-reviewed paper on the age-reversing combination gene therapy should be published this year. There has been the rumor that the existing age-reversing combination gene therapy extended the lifespan of mice by 100%. This would be triple the effect of calorie restriction. If it was successfully applied to humans and had the same

At 32:00-33:30 minutes George Church specifically describes delivering 45 age-reversing gene therapies to treat multiple age-related diseases.

This is the work that Nextbigfuture has been expecting from George’s company Rejuvenate Bio.

Rejuvenate Bio has been using the aging reversal therapies on dogs for almost all of 2018.

George Church expects to get the treatment to people around 2025.

George gave eight examples of aging reversal that have been published and reported by various researchers. Some researchers have used small molecules and others used other methods.

He wanted to show that these are real treatments that dramatically reverse aging damage.

Effective treatment and reversal of obesity, diabetes, cardiac, arthritis and kidney damage could boost the lifespan of many people and make 95-year life expectancy possible. Fixing all aging damage would put us toward a path of extreme longevity.

SOURCES- Unity Biotech, SENS, Bill Faloon, George Church, AgeX, Interviews with Aubrey de Grey and Michael West

Written By Brian Wang.

25 thoughts on “How Many Will Go For the New Antiaging Options?”

  1. So far, eating raspberries seems to kill anyone who tries it by the time they are 120 or so, or even earlier.

  2. First of all, unless the price is less than a dollar a day at today’s rates, a lot of people won’t be able to buy it. A great deal of world poverty may have been eliminated in the past few years, but the majority of mankind cannot afford a coffee at Starbucks every day.

    Secondly, if it is something that is more trouble than getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist twice a year, there will be a shockingly large number of people that will procrastinate or find reasons not to go right now.

    A lot of people won’t even take their prescription meds on a regular basis, for whatever reason, even if they even picked up the prescription.

    Sustainably living beyond a hundred years and staying young can become a thing, but unless it’s like getting a measles vaccination at birth, it will never be a majority of humanity, or even of the people that can afford it.

  3. “It’s time for Jack! Jack Lalane and the new Jack Lalane show!”

    Hated that song cuz it meant Captain Kangaroo was over and it was time to turn off the tv (while he was still busy doing jumping jacks) and go outside and play.

  4. Will power is not finite, research showing that it is was not replicable. However your energy fluctuates daily, ability to concentrate, to do things.. this is the problem. If somebody would be able to fix that… I think I would choose this over life extension.

  5. One clear effect of calorie restriction is reduced body temperature.

    It would be worth seeing if that reduction all by itself would be sufficient to produce the reported longevity increase.

  6. If you try the fasting mimicking thing, I did, don’t go adding more chicken to the pathetically small amount in the condensed soup. The fasting mimicking thing needs 2 things: very low protein and low calories like 600 a day, and the protein should just be 9% of that or less ideally. That switches the IGF-1 into low and the body begins to pick out old cells to sacrifice for protein…including senescent cells. This is not a weight loss thing. It is an old cell clearance thing for healthspan.
    There is probably 0 calories in the hibiscus tea sweetened with stevia. Drink it whenever.

    Oh, I almost forgot. I had some popcorn here and there…but I calorie counted…and was close to my goal.

    Also had some butternut squash a couple days. Memory is a bit fuzzy…part of why I need to do this thing again.

    I also had some leftover soup for dinner some days. There was only 150 calories in the condensed soup and maybe 30 or 40 more with the veggies added. I just had a lot of water so there was more to eat.

  7. I agree. Maybe combined with Tocotrienols and Quercetin:

    I have been eating strawberries in a smoothie for a few years. Evolved somewhat.

    I start with 1/2 cup of dried hibiscus flowers and 4 cups of water in blinder on high for a minute. Strain.

    Then add to that hibiscus water, 4 cups sliced frozen strawberries, 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 3oz pomegranate juice (Pom), 1 tbs molasses, 8 stevia packets, and 2 tbs honey or sweeteners to taste (I like it sweet). Blend another minute. Makes a big blender full. I throw the rest in the fridge and put in a few ice cubes or more strawberries and blend again the next day.

    4 cups of frozen strawberries probably is not adequate for clearance of many cells, so I bought some fisetin. I intent to do more fasting–mimicking “fasts”, and take the larger doses of fisetin and other senolytics…to see if I get a better result. I did one “fast” and I did notice my eyes were a little sharper and I felt pretty good. My strategy was hibiscus tea with just the stevia, a big bowl of condensed chicken soup and add in some green vegetable into the soup. I had Bok Choy, and green onion, in it one day, celery the next, and broccoli the next. I added more water than directed and some salt/spices. I had mushroom soup one day with green beans and onion. 1 walnut and 1 date eaten once a day together when starving. Cont. below

  8. I think nanites are the most likely long-term cybernetic implementation to monitor and maintain health.
    It does not require made-to-order bodies. Nanites can probably build other nanites from materials and energy. Any specifics for a person can just be programmed and updated as needed.

    But, I still think it is possible to push beyond 200 years by making a few modifications enabling a reduction in body temperature.

    Bowhead whales live in excess of 211 years because they are cooler than other whales. Whales in general may also have better versions of genes that help prevent cancer as they need so many cells and those cells must proliferate to form a whale. But I think it is their temperature that is primarily responsible for their long lives. We would have to modify our thermoregulating gene to match theirs:
    and modify several genes in our mitochondria to operate at that lower temperature.

  9. If I were in my 80’s I would blend and eat a lot of frozen strawberries, take grapeseed extract, drink green tea, eat soup once a day, avoid fried and other high temperature cooked meats, eat dark chocolate in the morning, eat nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds. And eat vegetables especially bright colored and green ones. But eat a variety, some can interfere with absorption of certain nutrients if eaten every day.
    If one needs sweets in the afternoon consider dates, or dried apricots, rather than candy.
    And take magnesium, calcium, and boron at dinner…for bone health.
    Sublingual B12 is important for older people (methylcobalamin). A lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin supplement and carnosine (morning and evening) are good for vision.
    If you are not already taking magnesium, I think you will feel a difference when added.
    My Mom is in her 80’s and she says CoQ10 liquid (Qunol) makes a big difference. She takes no medications, just supplements I research and buy for her.
    Another one you might notice a difference with is Astaxanthin. Probably does not extend life or anything, but I certainly can tell that I am more alert with it. I tried to penny pinch and got another brand…did squat. But this one works. I take 2:
    Both of these you can get at Costco…or just buy on Amazon.


    At the very least, if your genes tell you you are at risk for something that is not terribly common, you can have your doctor check for it. Often catching something early is the best way to survive it. But they may not be looking for something that has a low general population probability.

    No, the real DNA file you can download from 23andme is enormous over 18,500 genes out of maybe 20,000. And that was years ago. Probably over 19,000 now. I think their technique misses one area of one chromosome. But all the other “coding” DNA is there.

    There are companies that want to sell you the whole thing for $1,000+, but there is no reason to do this, as there is very little science done on any of that. It might be cool to have but it will be useless for years, possibly decades. The only real reasons to do it are for posterity…someone else in the future might make use of this for genealogical reasons, or just to promote science technology.

    Occasionally there is a reason. Sometimes a child will have some mysterious defect and it does not show up as something in the coding area, then a broader search is warranted. Most of the useful but noncoding DNA is stuff that tells where cells are supposed to be put during development. Most of the rest is just junk. Viruses that got in and have since broken, copies of normal DNA that got put in backward and is thus broken (you generally would have the proper functioning versions where they belong).

  11. Well, if you get the 23andme at the right time it is generally $50 (regular $100, I think), and Promethease is $12. Can’t see how you are going to beat that. Try this link:

    But you have to get your DNA first. Order a kit from 23andme or wait until it is on sale and order it. Spit in the tube and mail it back.

    A few weeks later sometimes more than a month you will get an email telling you it is ready. Search on line to find out how to download the DNA from there. I think you click on your name…if I recall and the option is there. If you are concerned about privacy after you get it you can change the name of the file before you upload it to Promethease. Don’t get scammed by typing in “Prometheus”, it is “Promethease” you want.

    The report is available in two forms. I like the older form. The most relevant genes have a “magnitude” attached. That tells you how bad or good your allele combo is for the genes that science has found associations for.

    They show some sample reports here:

    They don’t show the old report form, but you can get at stuff through the new one.

  12. The link didn’t work for me. Is there any any evidence promethease enables anyone to live longer, healthier lives? And from what I’ve heard, 23andme only analyzes a small portion of genes and is only good for the most general of genotyping anyway. Most people are unwilling/unable to be pioneers in their own health outcomes. Even doctors aren’t really very good at extending lifespan; most progress is due to massive public health operations that effect millions or even billions of people. There isn’t much a doctor can do to add years or decades to someone in their 80s.

  13. I think people determined to mess with senolytics should look at fisetin first, before a potentially more dangerous leukemia drug like dasatinib. Maybe fisetin + piperlongumine. Fisetin, at least, appears to be quite safe.

  14. One strategy to reduce cost might be to get you DNA done at 23andme (cheap version), download it, upload to Promethease, and find out what conditions you are most as risk for and supplement for those. Promethease is super cheap and tells you literally 1,000x more info that the expensive version of 32andme.

  15. Quote “Other researchers are making progress preventing stem cells and tissue transplants from triggering immune system response”
    They have made stem cells so they are universal and don’t trigger the immune system in the last week or so. It is a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH!
    This will make stem cell treatments very cheap and will accelerate stem cell research tremendously. 🙂

  16. Based on mutation rates and the mostly negative implications that arise with new variation, unless you have incredible control over the human genome (a level that may not be attainable considering the very limited range of human genetic variation and overlapping, multiple loci traits) or bio-nanobots to fix things. I doubt humans get past 200 biologically and without a cybernetics (Ghost in the Shell type) revolution.

  17. Many of us will take a pill, or many pills, preferring to deplete our money instead of our will power. I just ordered Quercetin, to add to my other 7 pills (2 prescription). I’ve been taking basis for a year, but can’t tell any difference from that or any other herbal pill I take, with a couple of possible exceptions. “Feeling better” from supplements tends to last 2 months before the placebo effect wares off.
    People don’t want a regimen that will make them live longer if it is hard. They want a few pills, maybe some shots a few times a year, and it can’t cost too much – it’s amazing how many supplements just happen to cost about $20/month, or less if it’s just a single compound.

  18. Virtually no one has the will power or discipline to follow all the things that could extend life to its maximum, particularly if one is not part of a social, religious, or tribal group where everyone does so. And will power is finite, meaning that if you exercise at the gym regularly, you might not have enough will power to eat right 3X a day too. And failing to follow a good regimen can lead to feelings of guilt and failure, which can lead to depression, a major factor in shortened lives itself.
    Jack LaLanne was, by his own admission, a “junk food junkie” until age 15, when he radically changed his diet first, then his exercise regime:
    It’s arguable he was stronger than many of his body-building peers overall, including endurance (my father did an advertising campaign using him). He worked out very hard two hours a day, every single day. His meat intake was mostly fish, especially in his later years.
    LaLanne said his two simple rules of nutrition are “if man made it, don’t eat it” and “if it tastes good, spit it out”.
    And “Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the butt. It’s like an athletic event. You’ve got to train for it. You’ve got to eat right. You’ve got to exercise. Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen: together, you have a kingdom.”
    Lalanne lived to 96, free of old age diseases.

  19. Here is how to reduce Senescent Cells naturally. The super foods for treating many health related problems are here. No need to use drugs under development if a proper diet shows similar or better results as it usually the case… Of course no comparison will be made for a long time. As usual, even with this drugs being considered taking this foods first is the best option.

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