Tesla China Sales and Pricing

Ming Zhao is the founder and analyst at 86Research. Ming claims to have good information on Tesla’s China sales.

Tesla China vehicle sales are volatile month to month. Sales and deliveries were good March not so good April then very big in May. The main cause is shipping timing. This has nothing to do with demand. It is supply issue. Shanghai gigafactory production will make supply more regular.

Ming analyzed some website to get an estimate (guess) of pricing for Tesla Model 3 with the operational Shanghai Gigafactory will be RMB328,000 and will be RMG288,000 after a subsidy. The subsidized price will be US$41,740 with a 6.9 exchange rate. Official Tesla pricing announcement could be made May 31, 2019.

SOURCES – Ming Zhao Twitter

2 thoughts on “Tesla China Sales and Pricing”

  1. A subsidy and a tariff on the same object. Well, not the first time governments did strange things.

    Are the components being made in the US? I guess I just don’t understand the tariff. If it is not something being brought in…by definition…that is not a tariff…just an ordinary tax.

    I would think if there is an immense factory, they will be making everything right there…especially as it is cheaper.

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