AI Will Have Insatiable Demand For Accelerated Computing

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says that there will be an insatiable demand for accelerated computing from Artificial Intelligence applications.

Jensen sees the need to connect many high-performance computing brains into a larger brain. This was the reason for the $7 billion Mellanox. Mellanox has the best high-speed interconnects.

Moore’s law has slowed from 100X performance every ten years is down to 5-10X every ten years. This will cause a massive computing deficit.

Accelerated computing will take the pressure and heat off of data centers.

The Nvidia AI compute power will spill out of the cloud to the edge. Fast computing devcies will be in 5G cell towers and self-driving cars.

Nvidia has the smallest AI computing device called the Nano.

SOURCES – Interview of Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang

2 thoughts on “AI Will Have Insatiable Demand For Accelerated Computing”

  1. You’re just being optimistic.
    The AI will demand resources, and take steps to force the puny meatbags to supply the resources.

  2. I would reword the headline: “AI Will Generate Insatiable Demand For Accelerated Computing.”

    Other than, that, go with it.

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