Over 60% of Previously Inoperable Pancreatic Cancers Now Removable

A combination treatment of intensive chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as the blood pressure drug losartan enables many previously inoperable pancreatic cancer tumors to be removed. The work was done at Massachusetts General Hospital and will expand to more institutions in an expanded study.

Using the combo therapy allowed 34 of the 49 participants to go on to have their tumors surgically removed, the team reported May 30 in JAMA Oncology.

And in 30 (61%) of the patients, surgery (“resection”) removed all evidence of cancer around the tumor.

The treatment protocol also significantly improved survival rates, the research team said.

Written By Brian Wang

8 thoughts on “Over 60% of Previously Inoperable Pancreatic Cancers Now Removable”

  1. Probably had a bad habit of resting his massive ipadtosh prototype on his belly while in reading bed…irradiating his internal organs with max amplification WiFi …

  2. And then the 10 year, and then the 15 year…

    Liver cancer is something that it’s VERY hard to get excited about.

  3. Actual Oncologists are not so definite about it. Depending on the exact state of his cancer (which is confidential and so we don’t know) he may have been doing the recommended thing.

    His 8 year survival from diagnosis is actually much longer than normal.

    But to give a clear smart/stupid judgement requires intimate knowledge that it is illegal to publicise, so who knows?

  4. Glad to hear of some progress. One of co-worker’s father died a few years back from Pancreatic Cancer. It took only a few months from diagnosis to death.

  5. Things might have turned out different if he didn’t wasted a year trying to cure it with some new age hippie diet instead of with the tools of modern medicine.

  6. Sounds like one of those things where you want to wait for the 5-year survival data to come in before you get too excited.

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