SpaceX Starship Could Make First Sub-orbital Flight in September

Crystal (Star shattered) tweeted out photos of SpaceX Starhip construction progress.

Jon Van Horne tweeted out new photos of the SpaceX orbital Starship with 2 more rings added.

10 thoughts on “SpaceX Starship Could Make First Sub-orbital Flight in September”

  1. Using a 3 year average to account for policy shifts, with 5 years for 2 term pres, final spending based off final 3 (accounts for 1 year policy shift following an election, and added year of policy for reelection):

    Trump added GDP growth and added deficit due to his direct policies to date above 2014 to 2016 levels: 0.3% added GDP growth,180 billion total over 2.5 years (Obama 2.2% average last 3 years); added expenditure at 2 trillion over 2.5 years. So he spent 2 trillion to get 180 billion in the economy. 9 cents on the dollar is not good.

    Obama from 2009 to 2013: 3 trillion in added expenditure in 5 years (Bush averaged 650 billion per year his last 3); GDP growth from -2.75% in 2008 (Bush) to +0.2% 2009; +2.6% 2010; 1.6%: 1.5%, 2.6% in 2013, so a increase (above 2008 levels) on average of 4.5% or about 700 billion per year for 5 years, 3.5 trillion in added growth. So he got 1.15 to 1 for what he spent. After that he averaged deficits of about 550 billion for his last 3, 100 billion less than what Bush already had on the books.

    Obama has Trump 12 to 1 on the economy so far. If you are keeping score.

  2. Orion program expended funding:
    · 2006 to 2018 = $16 billion (~$18 billion adjusting to 2018 dollars)
    · 2019 to 2023 = $5,75 billion

    This is just for Orion.
    I do not dare add the costs of the SLS program.

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