Intel Speeds Up Testing Toward Goal of Quantum Chips With Billions of Qubits

Intel is working on spin qubit quantum computer technology. Spin qubit transistors would be about the same size as existing CMOS transistors. The spin qubits would have the potential to have comparable density to the existing traditional computer chips.

In April, 2020, Intel, in collaboration with Qutech, published a paper in Nature demonstrating the successful control of “hot” qubits, the fundamental unit of quantum computing, at temperatures greater than 1 kelvin. The research also highlighted individual coherent control of two qubits with single-qubit fidelities of up to 99.3%.

Spectrum IEEE interviewed Intel’s Jim Clarke, Intel Director of Quantum Hardware.

Jim Clarke says that Intel now has a quantum computer chip cryogenic prober. They are able to put wafers with spin qubit transistors into the probe machine and get results back in a few hours. Previously, the milli-kelvin temperatures required days to cool and weeks to test and then days to warm up. The new testing is 100 times faster and could become 10,000 times faster than the weeks of the old system.

Intel is working with Blufors who make the Cryogenic Wafer Prober.

SOURCES- Intel, Spectrum IEEE, Blufors
Written By Brian Wang,

9 thoughts on “Intel Speeds Up Testing Toward Goal of Quantum Chips With Billions of Qubits”

  1. Careful how you word that wish. Otherwise the supermodel who "loved you for yourself" might be a cannibal, or a taxidermist.

  2. Fairly sure I have encountered such SF novels. They are naturally vague about how their "world switching" works, but some of them do seem to work on mental states.
    I remember one guy switched to a medieval world where his knowledge of high technology proved… to be completely useless because he was now in a world where "science" was controlled by spirits and the spirits had no idea what a bessemer process was.

  3. I can certainly believe that the post office does their long distance parcel tracking using random calculations that may be lost and not-lost at the same time.

  4. Which company does this? I haven't heard of any ordinary commercial applications for quantum computers. Anybody have links to such examples, like your delivery companies?

  5. Good idea for a sci/fi novel.

    "Computer. I wish a world where Trump wasn't president, I was rich & famous and married to a supermodel that truly loved me for myself"

    "Loading worldline…"

    Ha, not a chance.

  6. On the wilder side, I keep trying to figure out if this sort of thing could lead to some kind of a "quantum navigation" device for consciousness by letting one influence which world-lines to be centered on, seemingly affecting event probabilities, even if only relative to one's own individual state of awareness.

    One problem being that I can't see much motivation for anyone who created such a thing to share it–it wouldn't hurt them to share it, but they might not feel a need to bother.

  7. I've heard some delivery companies use quantum computers to help with order tracking. But I really want to see what happens when this technology really hits the market in a way that is noticeable by the greater public.

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