Will We Ever Get Our Internet Privacy Back? (Spoiler: Yes, If We Demand It)

Guest Post by Philip Piletic In the earliest days of the internet, nobody thought much about the concept of privacy. After all, surfing the internet was a mostly anonymous exercise. Advertising was static and one-size-fits-all. And there were no social media sites commanding user bases in the billions. But along the way, things began to …

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Middle East News – Iran Hijacks a Korean Ship and a Saudi Arabia-Qatar Deal Unifies Arabs Against Iran

There are two major events in the middle east today. Iran hijacked a South Korean ship and Saudi Arabia and Qatar have a new diplomatic deal that creates a unified Arab front against Iran. 1. Iran seized a South Korean-flagged tanker in Gulf waters and detained its crew. $7 billion in Iranian funds are frozen …

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DARPA’s On-chip Terabit Laser Communication Program

American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), a program of NY CREATES gave $19 million in research program awards for advanced integrated photonics under The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Lasers for Universal Microscale Optical Systems (LUMOS) program. AIM Photonics is advancing technology for applications with self-driving vehicles, AR, 3D camera technology, quantum …

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Strained Diamond Electronics

Researchers at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) have demonstrated large, uniform tensile elastic straining of microfabricated diamond arrays through the nanomechanical approach. This has the potential of strained diamonds as prime candidates for advanced functional devices in microelectronics, photonics, and quantum information technologies. Above – CAPTION Stretching of microfabricated diamonds pave ways for applications …

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Tesla Produced and Delivered a Half Million Cars in 2020

In 2020, Tesla produced and delivered half a million vehicles. In addition, Model Y production in Shanghai has begun, with deliveries expected to begin shortly. The delivery count should be viewed as slightly conservative, as we only count a car as delivered if it is transferred to the customer and all paperwork is correct. Final …

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Consistent Density For Desalination Membranes Can Increase Efficiency by Up to 40%

New research could increase desalination membrane efficiency by 30% to 40% resulting in more water filtered with less energy/A> — a potential cost-saving update to current desalination processes. “Reverse osmosis membranes are so widely used for cleaning water, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about them,” Kumar said. “We couldn’t really say how …

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58.8 Times Faster AI Training With New Chip Architecture

A brain-inspired computing architecture speeds up complex data processing by running its algorithms inside its memory, significantly saving time and energy. Above – Software and hardware overview of DUAL based on Hyperdimensional Computing CREDIT IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture 2020 Scientists at DGIST in Korea, and UC Irvine and UC San Diego in the US, …

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