8 Critical Skills For A Career In Cloud Computing

By 2023, it’s estimated the worldwide global cloud computing market will be worth $623 billion. And IT analyst company Gartner predicts that 50% of all companies around the globe will adopt cloud technology by 2022. So there are sure to be many work opportunities available.

If you are considering a career in cloud computing, it’s vital to know the skills you need to get to the top of the field. So keep reading to learn more.

Software Programing

Programming chops are a must-have for any developer, but cloud administrators and architects also need to write code occasionally. Some of the programming languages that are popular with cloud software are Python, Java, and JavaScript.

For database programmers, you should know Linux, SQL, and NoSQL.

Cloud Security

Making sure a company’s cloud services are secure from hackers requires exquisite attention to detail. You don’t just need to worry about securing organizational data; it’s also essential to safeguard the applications that use that data, and the servers need to be protected and backed up, too.

Desk and mobile devices that send information to the cloud must have ample security, as well. Knowing as much as you can about cybersecurity trends will help you find good-paying work in cloud services.

Quality Assurance

There are many cloud computing models, including private, public, hybrid, and more. Quality assurance skills are vital to ensure the best quality from the cloud model being used.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Application programming interfaces are software apps in the cloud that connect to several systems and networking components. You can work on integrating workloads to cloud-based servers, but you need to know about and understand APIs.

When working as a cloud tech, you’ll need to know how to code APIs and the software that integrates workloads to servers in the cloud.

Network Management

Knowing networking essentials and integration of cloud services are more essential skills in this field. This is because computer resources are centralized in the cloud, and they’re shared among dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of users.

So, essential network management functions are going to the cloud, which cuts the number of devices that manage the cloud environment.

If your dream is to become a cloud engineer, you’ll ensure the cloud network is stable and can handle customer demands. This means you also need to understand how virtual networks operate.


This skill set is more sought after today in many IT roles, including cloud-related ones. DevOps involves new tools, techniques, and processes so cloud developers and IT team members can collaborate more effectively.

Companies want their software engineers to have more accountability for the computer code they write. So, they seek engineers who can respond immediately to alerts that relate to software being built.

As a cloud professional, you’ll benefit from knowing the programming needed for DevOps, such as Lean, Agile, and the Scrum and Kanban frameworks.

DevOps pros can expect to earn more than $100,000 per year.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Anyone who wants to be a cloud professional should also understand machine learning and AI. In cloud-based environments, many processes occur without human involvement. Therefore, machine learning and AI skills are highly sought after, and the pay is impressive.


Cloud automation is about decision-making and control. For example, one piece of cloud software can decide what the following action is after a response to another, so computer processes are automated.

A related concept is cloud orchestration, but this involves automating several tasks instead of one. Orchestration focuses on how the various cloud parts complete requests by making the many features work like a symphony orchestra.

If you learn one or more of these cloud programming skills, you might have more job offers than you can handle!