US Tracking to 1 Million Total COVID Deaths in March as CDC Reports Almost 4000 COVID Deaths Feb 1st

The CDC recorded 3916 COVID deaths for February 1st, 2022 and the official cumulative US count of COVID deaths is 888,000. The number of daily cases counted peaked about two weeks ago but the COVID daily deaths will likely not decline for 8 weeks. The lack of decline in daily COVID deaths is because you catch COVID and then get hospitalized if the person is unfortunate with comorbidities or a bad reaction. This can be seen in countries like South Africa which had an Omicron case count peak about 6-8 weeks before the US but has not seen a decline in daily deaths.

The US will, unfortunately, pass a cumulative count of COVID deaths over 1 million sometime in March 2022. It will be in April for the CDC figures but March for Worldometers. UK, Germany and other European countries are heading back up in daily cases and daily deaths. This started two weeks ago.

The UK has an assessment of BA.2 which is more transmissible variant of Omicron. South Africa first identified the BA.2 and BA.3 variants of Omicron.

The US and other countries need to invest in more widespread sequencing of the virus in mild cases so that new variants can be identified and tracked at an earlier stage.

The world should be transitioning from the pandemic stage to the endemic stage. The flu is around every year but everyone has had multiple cases of the flu before. The world will be at the point after Omicron where nearly everyone will have had COVID once and/or had vaccinations. COVID will be around like the flu but when we get it will be for the second or third or more times.

Written by Brian Wang,

36 thoughts on “US Tracking to 1 Million Total COVID Deaths in March as CDC Reports Almost 4000 COVID Deaths Feb 1st”

  1. possible. but the political systems are so different. New Zealand vs Sweden vs China vs Eritrea (1 of the world's last few nearly unvaccinated countries). All varied widely in timing, intensity, and type of restrictions…

  2. well, world deaths will decline and hospitilizations can be covered up — and who even knows about case counts… this is now an endemic whether people wish to refer it to or not as that…

  3. maybe this pandemic was the 'time out' the world needed to restructure itself in the face of financial pull-back worldwide. As economies come back online, trade, home-grown industries, and population workforces will likely re-adjust. just my 2c

  4. many view this technology gifting (or charity) as cultural appropriation. Do like the pandemic vaccines and give them tech and knowledge discreetly so there population will never know.

  5. such is the definition of freedom.
    The right and ability to suffer and die under your own backward values than having to succeed and prosper under anyone else's.

  6. when we reach a pre-singularity abundance, other cultures will be able to assimilate that and then compete/ trade more equitably. Until then, we have such wide disparity in education and productivity — many will not simply not 'try to catch up' but fall to the wayside in despair or anger.

  7. bulk production, easy distribution, and low cost development. Rich world saving the poor world from themselves — again.

  8. read Steve Kirsch on substack: "…There is a pretty good chance that the vaccines don’t really work at all and never did. We know the Pfizer Phase 3 trials were gamed in many ways. There is no doubt that the vaccines elevate antibodies, but it seems that it is quite possible that the immunity they confer is actually the result of killing off (or excluding as in the case of the trials) people with weaker immune systems. The people who are left are thus more resistant to the virus. Mathew Crawford will be coming out shortly with an analysis that makes a compelling case for this novel

  9. To partially answer my own question… COVID deaths in 65+ pop is 654,304. The total 65+ pop is 52,788,000 so death rate in 65+ is 1.24% so far.

  10. You Muricans have died at a higher per capita rate than us Aussies because you are a bunch of fat diabetics (co morbidities) and have lower vaccination rates.

  11. never happen. The amount of closures and mandates and support programs could never be afforded and implemented again at the same scale. It was an interesting experiment and exercise in infection attack protocol. Maybe border closings and augmented hospitals, but society shut-down. never again.

  12. It's more about policy, logistics, and participation/ compliance. The mixing of vulnerable/ regular and the continued use of unmanaged public infrastructure (transit, stations…) made everything worse than it needed to be. Segregation and urban dispersal, as politically unsavoury as it is, would be the only way to bring cases, hospitilizations, and deaths to a fraction of current — all else is just a self-equalizing system where density and disorder concentrates and prolongs it all. Will China's no-tolerance system work. Unlikely.

  13. Agreed. The mother of all Variants is only a matter of time. Sequencing can only provide limited value for rapid vaccine development. We might as well just call it the Omega Variant – the end of times.

  14. It could only be amazing serendipity. The advanced US/ UK/ north Europe/ Israel academic institutions, private facilities, and centalized testing/ command centres -combined- with for-profit mega-pharma -combined- with the trackers and airport/border communications could we be anywhere near the low numbers of G7 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths…
    the rest of the world though…. ouf.

  15. Wish it were that optimistic.
    I see years of peak waves and peak countries and peak regulations and global/ business travel/ trade suppressed at varying times, frequencies, and severities. Too many opportunities for mutation and super-spreader-ness.
    What will 'vaccinated' even mean? quadruple/year boosters never exceeding 4 months? Does herd immunity have meaning when variants and antibody levels vary so widely?

  16. maybe a point system – life months lost based on standard value of a life (~$5M), work/ school value forgone, illness and deaths from isolation/ overdose, business/ new tech with peak opportunity gone, hospital overage/ triage decision losses, etc…

  17. Quebec data is fraudulent, see comment above. Scotland & UK data showing higher deaths & hospitalization rates in the vaxxed and that gap is increasing. See: "new data on vaccine efficacy from scotland and more evidence on bayesian datacrime" on the bad cattitude substack.

  18. What amazes me is that I doubt anyone could believe that a compellingly effective vaccine could be developed, widely approved, and so hugely distributed – now in the billions, over all brands, and in so many countries… in my mind anyone who was saved by vaccination before Q4 2022 was given an unbelievable gift — unthinkable a decade ago… yet few seem to acknowledge humbly the insane pharmatech we as a species have access to…

  19. Meh.
    They'll be arguing about what was the proper path of maximum acceptability for decades when this has diminished into a part-decade, double-flu-death endemic. Depends on the sensitivity and orientation of your moral compass.
    Human life vs human happiness/ achievement.
    Old person vs young person.
    Vulnerable vs healthy-productive.
    Essentially open vs fully open vs curfew
    Quality/ participation of masking vs effective distance
    Period of delay after world discovery vs length of lockdown
    .. etc, etc ad nauseum…

  20. Getting vaccinated increases your risk of all cause death, even the Pfizer study showed 4 increased deaths in the vaxxed for every covid death saved, with the covid death being very old & sick vs the 4 extra deaths being younger & healthier individuals.

    The military database has been leaked by whistleblowers shows 400% increases after vaccination in cerebral infarction and similar for cancers, miscarriage, cardiovascular events etc.

    At this point, there is zero justification for vaccination except for cases of serious illness. Added severe risks of vaccine enhanced infection (i.e. ADE) and increasing reinfections due to the inferior (see Original Antigenic Sin) immune response of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. And the data showing unvaxxed are more vulnerable to Covid by the CDC is fraudulent. They do such things such as counting those who were <14 days from vaccination as unvaccinated knowing full well most deaths & hospitalizations occur within 14 days of being jabbed.

  21. Covid resulted in fatalities before we had a vaccine. It'll continue to cause long term issues as it's not going away and there is always some risk. Vaccine is not 100% unfortunately, and not in preventing infections occurring, it is however highly effective in reducing severe cases. Simple cost/benefit getting vaccinated reduces your risk from covid, with Omicron you may still get an infection but far more likely to be mild.

    Data across many countries/states/cities show vaccination to reduce severity. No data supporting hospitalizations being higher in vaccinated nor that vaccinations are related to a heart attack increase.

    It's not 2% at this point with vaccination, Omicron and better approaches – we've made progress. It's more like 0.3% in the US. And 0.1% in Canada as we're at 80-90+% vaccination.

  22. This is poorly informed by looking at data. Most of UK population is vaccinated, vaccines are not 100% effective in preventing infection, given highly infectious Omicron variant there will be infections and will most people vaccinated the infections will mostly be in vaccinated people. That's not surprising and has been noted, understood and expected.

    Given the high contagious Omicron most people are likely to be exposed at some point. It's far better to have the immune response built up from the vaccine to combat an infection than to have none. Far less likely to be severe.

    In Quebec it's about 10 to 1. Around 90% vaccination, but 50% of hospitalizations are non-vaccinated. 1/10 of population causing as many cases.

  23. I'd rather an over-the-top reaction than a pussyfooted response. One of the main functions of the government is to keep Americans safe. That can come in many forms many good, and a few that could be considered bad. A majority of the time in my opinion have been good.
    This virus wasn't something to ignore because if we did, I would imagine many more people would be dead. Maybe even someone close to you? You just need to dig deep and find a tad bit of empathy inside yourself to know this wasn't something we should ever ignore not just for yourself but for your fellow humans around you.
    Also, yes, this wasn't the black plague but think for a second. What if this virus came about during those times when the plague emerged? Those people during those time didn't have any way to create a vaccine like we do now. I think deaths could have been on par or a close second if COVID spread during those times. That is just my opinion.

  24. Replacing fossil fuel, especially coal, with nuclear power would save far more lives than any Covid interventions will do, and younger, healthier lives who die from the effects of coal emissions. And yet here we have Covidian fanatic Germany & Belgium shutting down perfectly good nuclear power plants, using coal instead.

  25. Nonsense. The data coming in right now is rock solid. Infections, hospitalizations & deaths are higher in the vaxxed than the unvaxxed, and that gap is widening. And if our criminal politicians and bureaucrats hadn't blockaded the dozens of proven therapeutics that reduce deaths & severe illness by 85% or more, than the whole pandemic thing would have been just another flu season. They are guilty of genocide.Much more than that, all that really counts is All Cause Mortality. And even Pfizer's own study showed that for every Covid death prevented by their vaccine, 4 additional people died of heart attacks. That's in the first 6 months, after that the gap will widen further.

  26. Yes it is ACTUALLY TRUE that over 85% of the deaths could have been prevented by using treatment protocols developed early in the plandemic, banned by the FDA/CDC (because they are so effective.

  27. I see at that the total US mortality is now at 1 in 365 dead. That is 0.27% overall. Does anyone know where you can find that broken out by age group?

  28. You know what? Dead is dead. And I don't see a lot of evidence that the measures deployed, except for vaccines, had much impact on the spread, or that death rate. So, yay vaccines! Boo, everything else.

    I could see heart disease and cancer being used as an excuse to impose other measures that don't have much impact on the death rate, but are just the people in charge power tripping. There's a terrifying amount of power tripping going on right now.

    But, mainly, I want some context: In terms of how many people were dying over that time period from all causes, Covid wasn't that impressive. It certainly wasn't deadly enough to justify freaking out and crashing the world economy.

  29. ourworldindata dot org chart says the vaccine works, and the unvaccinated die at the rates of 10 to 1 to the vaccinated.

    Search it for "United States: COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination status, All ages" to see the chart.

  30. Its obvious the vaccine does not work anymore. Covid kills 2% so each time you contract it you have a 2% chance of death. tracks the pandemic globally. No mask, opening up and traveling is killing us. Lets be honest by the time a vaccine is developed the virus has mutated. Wear a mask, wash your hands and maintain social distance.

  31. The difference is that some people have a hard time getting that one of those leading causes of death is highly transmittable to bystanders. Heart disease, lung cancer or diabetes and others aren’t.

  32. Really, it's a mistake talking about Covid as though people were otherwise immortal. Over the course of this pandemic, Covid has been averaging a distant third as a cause of death. (It edges into #1 during the peaks.) Covid has reduced life expectancies to what they were in, IIRC, about 2008. Scary! We can all recall the bodies piled by the side of the road back in '08.

    Yeah, it would have been better to not have Covid, but it has hardly been the black plague.

    That's what actually scares me about the over the top reaction to Covid: What if governments start treating #1 and #2 in the same way?

  33. The US murdered at least half of those people by restricting any and all early outpatient treatment with ivermectin and HCQ. It is still nearly impossible to get any treatment before you end up hospitalized. The hospitals also get a 20% bonus on the entire bill if they use Remdesivir which is now proven to increase chances of death by 3% over doing nothing. It was never about health.

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