60+ Should Get Hard Core About Longevity Strategies

When you are 60 or older and you believe that aging reversal is feasible then it is time to get serious about food, diet, intermittent fasting, and the current best treatments that might improve the odds of surviving until aging reversal is available.

There are events like raadfest in San Diego October 6-9, 2022.

Undoing Aging 2022 in Germany was canceled due to COVID travel restrictions.

Forever Healthy has online meetups and provides online information for the best current aging treatments.

Forever Healthy has Longevity Strategies and practical guides and risk-benefit analysis for all treatments and approaches.

Adopting the current best practices for longevity and signing up for cryonics are actually practical approaches that are rational unemotional choices while looking at the odds while factoring in changing technology.

Promising Rejuvenation Therapies per Forever Healthy


Existing compounds that slow our aging process to some extent or at least significantly lower our probability to suffer from age-related diseases.
DMAE & Centrophenoxine

Compensatory Treatments

Therapies that do not address the root causes of our aging process but rather compensate for the effects that it has on our body.
Male & female steroid hormone restoration
NAD+ restoration
Young plasma infusions
Young plasma exosomes
Immune support with dendritic & NK cells

Molecular & Cellular Repair

Therapies that address the root causes or near-root causes of our aging process and repair damage on a molecular or cellular level.
Endothelial repair using MitoQ
Cellular membrane repair using IV & oral essential phospholipids
Arterial & capillary decalcification using IV EDTA
First generation senolytics: Dasatinib, Quercetin, Fisetin, Piperloungime, Azithromycin
Localized and systemic application of mesenchymal and amniotic stem cells
Thymus regeneration

Forever Healthy’s “Rejuvenation Now” initiative that seeks to continuously identify potential rejuvenation therapies and systematically evaluate their risks, benefits, and associated therapeutic protocols to create transparency.

Currently available Risk-Benefit Analyses at Forever Healthy

NEW: Phospholipid Therapy

Phospholipids are an important structural component of cell and organelle membranes and play a role in many cell signaling pathways. Membranes incur oxidative damage over time and in several disease conditions. Oral and/or i.v. supplementation of phospholipids (particularly phosphatidylcholine), is hypothesized to repair this damage by replacement of oxidized membrane phospholipids with “healthy” phospholipids, thus restoring or maintaining membrane integrity and function.

Dasatinib and Quercetin Senolytic Therapy

Dasatinib is a well-established medication used in the treatment of cancer. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many plants and foods that is often used as a supplement. It is supposed that intermittent dosing of D+Q leads to the elimination of senescent cells in humans and by doing so, has the potential to prevent, delay, or alleviate multiple age-related diseases and increase the healthy lifespan.

Vascular Rejuvenation using EDTA

EDTA chelation therapy is the use of EDTA, a synthetic amino acid, to remove unwanted metals from the body. Observed “side effects” include rejuvenation of the cardiovascular system and a substantial reduction of adverse cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. Proposed mechanisms include the stabilization and reduction of atherosclerotic plaque, prevention of epigenetic changes, and stabilization of membranes.

Skin Rejuvenation by Low-Level Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy or photobiomodulation is the use of low-energy light at a particular wavelength to influence cellular processes. Targeting the skin, it is supposed to lead to a more youthful appearance through increased collagen and elastin production, and a reduction in age spots and wrinkles.

Fisetin Senolytic Therapy

Fisetin is a flavonoid found in many types of fruits and vegetables that is readily available over the counter as a supplement. Used intermittently at high doses it is supposed to act as a senolytic agent to remove senescent cells presenting an easily accessible, inexpensive therapeutic option.

NAD+ Restoration Therapy

NAD+ is a nucleotide found in all living cells that plays an important role in energy metabolism. Levels may decline markedly with age and restoring them to a youthful state using various oral precursors, transdermal patches or IVs is believed to have beneficial effects on health and longevity.

Changing Odds As We Age

Hong Kong is one of the countries or regions with the highest life expectancy. In 2014, the life expectancy was 83.5 for men and 89.2 for women. Life expectancy for all countries has dropped in the last year or two because of the COVID pandemic. Life expectancy is a calculation based upon the age of people who are dying in the current year and assuming that it will repeat going into the future.

When people are around 39 years old they have a 0.05% chance of dying before they turn 40.
When men are about 55-60 and when women are about 60 to 66 they have a 0.5% chance of dying before they get one year older.

Men in Hong Kong have a 4% chance of dying in their 50s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 2.3% chance of dying in their 50s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 10% chance of dying in their 60s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 5% chance of dying in their 60s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 25% chance of dying in their 70s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 13.5% chance of dying in their 70s.
Men in Hong Kong have a 57% chance of dying in their 80s, while women in Hong Kong have a little less than a 38.5% chance of dying in their 80s.

When men in Hong Kong are 60 they have an expected 24 years of further life. Women in Hong Kong who are 60 have an expected 29 years of further life.

Once anyone is past the life expectancy from birth number (80 for some people or 90 for others) then the chance of them dying in the next year gets close to 10% and then rapidly moves past 10% towards 20-30% and then goes flat at 30-40%.

Making it ten years past the life expectancy is beating the odds. Only 27% of the men in Hong Kong who make it to 83.5 would be expected to make it to 94. Only 21% of the women in Hong Kong who make it to 89 would be expected to make it to 99.

Only about one in 500 people make it from 100 to 110. There are currently about 300 and 450 living supercentenarians (110 or older) in the world. There were about 1.8 billion people in 1912. 1 in 4.5 million people made it to an official recorded and registered age over 110. There are about 573000 centenarians now. 1200 to 1500 of the current centenarians should make to 110+.

A 60-year-old Hong Kong man who expects radical life extension or aging reversal to be developed and available for you within 20 years then men have a 35% chance of needing cryonics to freeze your body or head for revival. Hong Kong people have the longest life expectancy so the odds would be worse for pretty much everyone else.

A 60-year-old Hong Kong woman who expects radical life extension or aging reversal to be developed and available for you within 20 years then men have a 19% chance of needing cryonics to freeze your body or head for revival. Hong Kong people have the longest life expectancy so the odds would be worse for pretty much everyone else.

Those who are 70 or older need and believe that aging reversal and advanced antiaging is possible and perhaps molecular nanotechnology eventually has a 5% or more chance then they should sign up for cryonics. Alcor provides cryonics services.

SOURCES- Forever Healthy, Raadfest, SENS, Hong Kong Actuarial tables
Written by Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com

48 thoughts on “60+ Should Get Hard Core About Longevity Strategies”

  1. Not aging doesn’t equal immortality. People will still die from accidents, homicides, suicides, natural disasters etc.

  2. Why is it people hate the rich, but those same people spend all their time trying to be rich? They're simply mad that someone else has more money and stuff then them. It's the same old "give me, give me, you owe me attitude" I've seen my whole life.

  3. "There is two kinds of rich: Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos rich, men who build things that other people find value in and provide a service."

    Yes. They enrich the lives of millions regardless of what you think of them personally. Musk especially; the ultimate goal of SpaceX is to make humanity a multi-planet species (including space colonies).

    "George Soros and Bernie Madoff come to mind. They destroy countries and individuals and then try to justify it as 'just playing within the rules and keeping the system honest.' I find them despicable."

    Again Yes. And you could add Warren Buffett to that list (someone whom Musk has a very low opinion of). All he has done is move money in big circles (skillfully) enriching himself and a few select share holders in the process. He has done nothing to enrich the human race as a whole, providing no real good/service to anybody.

  4. Calling something "The natural order of things" doesn't change the nature of what you are defending. 178,000 people die each day mostly from age related causes; telling someone dying of pancreatic cancer its okay its only "natural" doesn't really help their or their love ones suffering. Is it really worth killing that many people just to stop the rich from "hoarding wealth and property"? Your envy, resentment, jealousy, animosity of Bezos, Musk, Gates, Buffet etc. is such that you don't mind dying of the aforementioned yourself (as well as everyone you ever cared about) as long as you can get the rich too?

  5. What are your feelings/opinions about Greg Fahy's results (posted here elsewhere)? I know that is still very preliminary but he yielded significant regeneration according to several DNA methylation clock and even Steve Horvath volunteered for the TRIMXX phase 2 trial. We are talking about a drug protocol of off the shelf drugs; metformin, DHEA and HGH.

  6. My personal experience is that quercetin had obvious immediate benefits. I'm in my 60's, with a lot of sun damage. I went on a regimen of periodic high dose quercetin, and some lesions I had where my skin was very thin and fragile became inflamed, and then healed back more normal after each dose.

    Never returned to being normal skin, but much less prone to being damaged by normal life activities.

    I suspect the effects of anti-senescents are less noticeable if you haven't accumulated a lot of senescent cells yet.

  7. Thx Brett, that's very informative. I appreciate the good info! Your assessment makes total sense to me. I'm a 53 yr old bachelor myself and will most likely stay that way. I think once get into my 60s I will give ALCOR a call.

  8. True – Jack is a bit of an extreme. I would offer that both mild dieting and exercise are effective. Just simply keeping your weight down and staying active will pay huge dividends.

  9. Thanks. I'll review it. I was on NAD+ Basis for a while, but $480/year for something that has no obvious benefits is a lot of money, though I may go back to it. That's the problem with most of these pills. They may work over years, or they may just be money-sinks.

  10. One of the early reports of Lennon/Janov ends with a description of Janov stating to his *cult* (by implication) followers that they had not only found the cure for mental illness but many physical ailments as well, and extending life obviously. The followers nodded in agreement. This is given as stand alone proof that Janov is a quack, making such outrageous claims for an experiential therapy. Much as you are doing now. Janov was stating new Science. If anyone gets it, they are ahead of their time and should be rewarded. It is important, Janov "not only found the cure for mental illness but many physical ailments as well, and extending life obviously."

  11. Honestly, Dan, if the leadership of a cryonics organization started displaying any interest in 'Primal Science' , I'd take that as a really, really bad sign. Cryonics is close enough to being a cult already, they don't need to finish the job.

  12. "the realm of politics and social relations,". Primal Science is now 50 years old. Here it is in still incipient form, just being seen by others: Naturally, Primal is the cure for depression, if you did not know.


    edit: Here, the children have a mysterious but important activation of the amygdala "The association between media exposure and post-trauamtic stress symptoms was strongest for those with a particular brain response in the amygdala, a brain area involved in processing fear and detecting potential threats.Earlier in the study, many of the same children had been particularly reactive when viewing fearful facial expressions. At the same time, their brain scans showed reduced activity in another region of the brain, the orbitofrontal cortex, thought to be involved in reducing emotional arousal." No mystery if you understand Primal Science.



  13. My father used Jack LaLane in one of his ads for health insurance, so I know a bit about him though I never met him. Of course, Jack LaLane was an extreme in so many ways. Very few of us have to commitment to do hard exercise for 2 hours every single day and watch every element in our diet as he did.
    Fortunately, as even the cite from the article points out, you can do far less on the exercise front and still do OK. The diet is tougher because, well, most people eat 3X a day and it is a social event too. I already turn down cakes, cookies, sodas, and a host of other unhealthy things when I dine at other people's houses or restaurants (which don't generally use organic meats/vegs either).
    Speaking of socializing, that is another factor shown to increase longevity. The site cited does not seem to allow much time for that.

  14. I think it's certainly possible, in the sense that it doesn't require any violations of physical law, just a serious application of human ingenuity and resources. I signed up in the 80's, and only dropped out because I married, and couldn't justify the expense when I had family obligations, I would have maintained my membership if I'd been in a better financial situation.

    That's not to say I think the odds are great, just that it was a worthwhile longshot bet given the payoff. Better odds than cremation, certainly!

    The biggest risks are, I think, more in the realm of politics and social relations, not technology. Alcor needs to keep you in uninterrupted suspension for perhaps as long as a couple centuries, through war, social upheaval, organizational fights. Stave off the trust fund being looted, or the organization being subverted, or an anti-cryonics movement arising and violently or legally shutting them down.

    But if they manage that, I do believe their techniques are preserving brain structure adequately to reconstruct a working brain with intact memories, and I believe there's no fundamental obstacle to eventually developing the technology to take somebody in that state and revive them.

    Though it will likely require, as Ettinger envisioned, use of molecular nanotechnology to reconstruct the body at the level of molecules. Unless they've made strides I'm unaware of, the frozen bodies aren't viable, they're better thought of as high fidelity recording media…

  15. They don't even give it up at death. Inheritance taxes are really low.

    The only thing inheritance does to de-concentrate wealth is when rich people have multiple children and it gets divided. But these days the trend is to not have many children, and I don't think longevity will make that any worse.

  16. Too much NAD+ may cause problems too. If you have cancer, precancerous cells, if you have had cancer, or it runs in your family, NAD+ boosters may be a bad idea. And the order you do things could mater too. It may be best to get senescent cells to a somewhat low level before stimulating NAD+ with NR or NMN. I prefer NR…more science. And take with a methyl donor.
    The more I look at these things, the more it seems that for real improvement you need to do unpleasent things: HIIT exercise probably does the best job of making new better mitochondrea, and getting rid of the crummy mitochondria. Bouncing back and forth from ice water to sauna, appears to be good. Exposure to somewhat high levels of oxygen in a hyperberic chamber and especally increassing and decreasing the pressure appears to help. Fasting or near fasting for 4 days or more appears to help (do this right, you need electrolytes), while the time restricted dieting is appearing to be dubious. Though, I think skipping dinner can help some people sleep well.
    Lots of "no pain, no gain".
    Antioxidants may still be useful, especially things for particular tissues like lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin…
    And I think taking care of your various tissues using supplements is a good strategy for extended high quality of life. Carnosine is good for eyes. Getting enough folic acid (or folate from food if bad MTHFR Gene), and magnesium, boron, vitamins A, C, E, may protect hearing. Stuff for skin, joints, liver, kidney, brain…

  17. I would offer that keeping your weight down to a healthy BMI and exercising regularly will pay huge benefits. If you simply do those two things you could reasonably expect to live into your 90s. That's mostly what Jack Lalanne did and he made to 96.

    If you can stick around for another 30 years, then I would say that there's a decent chance there may be some FDA approved life extension drugs or treatments in place. I'm 53 and that's basically my plan. Make it into my 90s and hope the scientists invent something!

  18. You're asking good questions. Ultimately, I would offer that the meaning and purpose of our lives is subjective. In other words, life is what you decide it is. It's purpose is what you decide it is. And whether that purpose is good or bad is, much like truth and beauty, in the eye of the beholder. In other words, you have to decide that for yourself.

    I would also offer that you can't do anything if your dead. Life has no purpose if you aren't alive. You can't achieve anything. You can't strive or serve. And I don't think it's selfish to live simply for the joy of being alive. Life is hard, so why not simply enjoy it when you can for as long as you can?

  19. You are almost guaranteed of making at least one big mistake, if you do a bunch of things, especially supplements. And one mistake can undo all of the gains. And even if you get the right thing, the dose can cause more harm than good.
    The list presented I am very dubious on. Young plasma is a good way to throw a lot of money down the drain. It has been demonstrated that it was the crud in the old plasma that was the problem. Plasmapheresis is the best approach to address that, and it is far cheaper and safer than the plasma of street children. Injecting stem cells is a great way to get cancer.
    Metformin impedes results from exercise. If you don't intend to ever exercise…fine. Sirtuin simulator supplements sound really good. But, there is room for doubt. While it is great for health and longevity for an organism to produce more sert 1 and sert 6, the things that stimulate them may just be doing damage that provokes the production of these things to conduct the repairs.
    Clearing senescent cells is probably good…if you have a lot of them. Maybe not so great if you don't. It could hamper ability to heal to be low on senescent cells. And replacing them with new healthy cells sounds great, but that erodes the stem cells, so you might have less later. On balance, it is probably still good.
    Extending telomers is probably good. it was feared for decades that this would prmote cancer or tumor growth. That fear looks unwarranted, as in tests there was less.

  20. I think the challenge with radical life extension is that it leads to immortality. Once we have the technology to reverse the aging process, it's possible that many people will choose to live for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. This means the death rate will go near to zero, and thus population will start growing exponentially. I can foresee that within 10 generations or so you could easily have 15-20 billion people on the planet. I do see your point about couples spreading children over longer time spans, but I would offer the outcome is still the same. If you're right, then instead of 10 generations, it might take 25-50 or perhaps longer. The end result though would still be an Earth with way too many people on it.

    Of course, I admit I'm making a lot of assumptions here. One, I'm assuming people will choose immortality. Two, I'm assuming people will be able to mentally cope with immortality – meaning people wont get bored with life at some point and decide to age out or commit suicide.

  21. Do those things to feel better and be healthy, just dont expect to run into any fountain of youth for the foreseeable future. I would give anyone at 50 a non-zero chance for running into some tech that would extend their life, but that would be a tiny number.

  22. That seems reasonable.

    I always struggle with selfishness/self-centeredness vs. ambition and purpose. What would I do with the extra years? Why would I do it? Vanity? Fear of disappearing into oblivion? Or would there be a good/noble purpose?

    There is two kinds of rich: Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos rich, men who build things that other people find value in and provide a service. I don't like Bezos personally, he seems very selfish, but I admire the drive and determination that built Amazon and AWS.

    The other kind of rich are those who find flaws in the financial system or game it to enrich themselves. George Soros and Bernie Madoff come to mind. They destroy countries and individuals and then try to justify it as 'just playing within the rules and keeping the system honest.'

    I find them despicable.

    So, again I find myself asking: do we want to extend our lives for good reasons? Or for selfish ones? Contrary to the posts I am making here, I am not one who spends a lot of time philosophizing, but for me, questions of life extension and, as mentioned in the article, immortality, does raise questions about the human condition.

  23. Those are good observations and questions. How much am I (or you or others) willing to give up or spend just on the hopes (with no guarantees) of living longer?

  24. I think you missed the point: If your body is failing, you tend to die. The only really feasible way of keeping people alive longer is to keep them healthy longer, and that's what every single approach to life extension focuses on: Preventing your health from declining with age.

    Not one life extension researcher anywhere is trying to find a way to keep people alive despite their becoming increasingly fragile. As Me said, that's what regular gerontologists do, not life extension researchers.

  25. Personally, when I was involved in cryonics, I was an Alcor member; I thought they were technically more advanced, and still think that. Sure, they charge more than the Cryonics Institute, but that means more money available for revival if it becomes feasible.


    But Ettinger was a remarkable visionary, that's for sure, and I'm glad I got to know him while he was still around. Stupid of me not to have him autograph my copy of The Prospect of Immortality, though.

  26. Because they love you … why do we give cancer treatment to prolong life when people will die anyway? because we value life.

    Plus the `relatives` don`t revive you the cryonics package includes revival in the price it requires no one to get you back .. presuming it is possible of course.

  27. What is the rational/unemotional reason for wanting to live forever?

    I have signed up for cryonics BUT live forever? no no no thats impossible I will die even if Cryonics works forever is a unimaginable length of time, I want more than 80 years and lets see where it goes .. thats it.

  28. I'm 63 and the things I can do are already starting to drop away. Life is still worth living, but I can see what's coming. However, the links in this article turn living into a full time job! If one did even 3/4 of all the things recommended on the site, there would be time for little else (well, watching less TV is probably a good idea. Who remembers what one watched even a month ago? And social media is a timesink in many cases).
    I'm 75% there on diet, but still like my cheeses and bread once a day. I exercise hard 2-4X/week, but once they closed the gyms due to Covid, and STILL require masking in gyms, it became impractical to return there; I lost my trainer of 14 years!
    Longevity extension will probably be too little too late to make much difference to people my age, though I'm trying new things and keeping my options open. none of the supplements come cheap, though they may be easy. Everyone would like to pop a few pills a day, but how much does that actually gain you?

  29. That's a good answer.

    However, after visiting men with Lou Gehrig's, I find the concept of an active mind but a failing body that is artificially extended to be a form of torture. As long we make sure we have our ethics clear, and we truly are extending mental capacity and physical abilities, then I'm not against it.

    I have many reasons to live, and I actively work out and lift weights, visit my doctor every 3 months, and take my meds. I want to provide for and protect my family and friends, and mentor those that society does not care much for.

    Even Elon Musk said that living forever is not a good goal. There is a reason life ends for all organisms, making way for new organisms with different traits and ambitions…

  30. I wouldn't worry about over population due to radical life extension too much. Humans have children in part as a poor substitute for actual immortality. Those of us who want offspring try to hurry up and have children within a time span of 20-30 year's due to our current lifespan and even more limited fertility. Why have a bunch of kids over a period of two or three decades when a couple can have intervals of centuries between each child.

  31. The aging reversal people aren't trying to make you slobber for longer. That's what the normal geriatric industry does. They like it because they can milk your insurance while spoon-feeding you.

    The antiaging crowd is trying to make 80 the new 58 – so that you can stay highly engaged. You'll have to find your own reason to live, but you should have the capacities to pursue it.

  32. I don't know the answer to your first question, but I will say that it appears to me that radical life extension research is in its infancy. It doesn't appear that scientists are anywhere near to being able to extend human lifespans or reverse the aging process. Will it be possible some day? Absolutely, but probably not for a long time.

    That said, and with regard to your 2nd question, I want to live for as long as I can. There's literally thousands of things I'd like to achieve. Those endeavors could take millennia to get done. That would be the ultimate adventure.

    The only danger with immortality is over population. But there's a huge universe out there just waiting to be colonized. I'd have no issues leaving Earth if needed.

  33. 2 questions:

    How affordable and feasible are these treatments/regimens?

    What is the rational/unemotional reason for wanting to live forever? At a certain point, you need a reason to live. I speak to many men in their 80s and older. They seem content that when their time comes, they are ready.

    I am 58 and still highly engaged. I find work satisfying. I find mentoring young men (especially those without fathers – teaching them the importance of working hard, keeping their word, taking care of others) is still a passion for me.

    Once I am just taking up space – not making a difference or contribution to others – I don't feel the need to hang around. And if all I do is slobber and have someone else feed me and bathe me? No thanks.

    Just let me go peacefully.

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