Possible Room Temperature Superconductor Under Diamond Anvil Pressure

Superconductivity in a photochemically transformed carbonaceous sulfur hydride system, starting from elemental precursors, with a maximum superconducting transition temperature of 287.7 ± 1.2 kelvin (about 15 degrees Celsius) achieved at 267 ± 10 gigapascals. The superconducting state is observed over a broad pressure range in the diamond anvil cell, from 140 to 275 gigapascals, with a sharp upturn in transition temperature above 220 gigapascals. Superconductivity is established by the observation of zero resistance, a magnetic susceptibility of up to 190 gigapascals, and reduction of the transition temperature under an external magnetic field of up to 9 tesla, with an upper critical magnetic field of about 62 tesla according to the Ginzburg–Landau model at zero temperature.

There is a lot of debate by scientists if this is truly a room temperature superconductor. The need for a diamond anvil makes it impractical for commercial applications. However, if the configuration under extreme pressures could be recreated without the high pressures then this could lead to the development of commercially useful room temperature superconductors.

All of the raw data was provided by the scientists to defend their work.

The recently discovered room temperature superconductor has been made in independent laboratories and by several students (graduate and undergraduate) and scientists. The original scientist describe the recipe for making this room temperature superconductor, in hopes that many groups around the world begin to explore the nature of this hot superconductor. They show that the transition width and susceptibility drop of such high pressure superconducting samples are extensive properties of the material that depend on many factors, including sample size, which is challenging to accurately determine at megabars of pressure. Given the interest and the potential implications of the results. There have been attempts to analyze plots reproduced as well as unpublished data shared in confidence. Researchers should exercise caution when using such graphical data extraction programs for anything more than qualitative comparisons, particularly when the image is not a vector image. To avoid incorrect conclusions from such figure analysis, they provide the step by step analysis of the susceptibility data and offer the raw data with the measurement precision.

High-temperature conventional superconductivity in hydrogen-rich materials has been reported in several systems under high pressure. An important discovery leading to room-temperature superconductivity is the pressure-driven disproportionation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to H3S, with a confirmed transition temperature of 203 kelvin at 155 gigapascals. Both H2S and CH4 readily mix with hydrogen to form guest–host structures at lower pressures, and are of comparable size at 4 gigapascals.

SOURCES – Nature, Arxiv
Written By Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com

16 thoughts on “Possible Room Temperature Superconductor Under Diamond Anvil Pressure”

  1. Covid originated in a publicly known lab that was known to be working on gain of function research on the coronavirus. 

    No one of significance (in number or position) is saying the lab is a secret. 

    There are video and photos of inspections of said lab, the US even gave the lab money to help them increase security and protection methods to prevent an accidental release.

  2. In general, I see two kinds of people blaming regulatory bodies:
    1) The scammers that claim that government agency XYZ is what is preventing them from putting on the market their Mr. Fusion–Alcubierre-Rossi-Hyperdrive-powered vacuum cleaner.
    2) Those who are bona fide experts in their fields but do not see the bigger implications of what they want to do. Here on NBF I have seen a lot of smart people claiming, as you are doing now, that medical research is slowed down by regulatory burdens, but some of those people also claimed that Covid originated in a secret lab in china. In most countries, you have regulations in place that dictate how and where you can build such labs. Of course, without such regulations many more labs could be built at lower initial costs, but the risk of accidents and the global costs will be higher, and such accidents might in the end slow down your research too!

  3. Yeah, I see regulatory burden putting the brakes on medical research, nuclear research, probably some others. But making tiny crystals in your lab and hooking up an electrical/magnetic tester? Not seeing any regulations that impact on that.

  4. I'm making 150 D0IIars an hour w0rking from h0me. I was sh0cked when my friend told me that she was maklng D0Ilars 15230/m just from her h0me 0nLlne. Then this completely changed my Llfe. 

    F0r Details check this >>>> cutt.ly/6PLlMVw

  5. It is not a matter of regulatory burden if the physics of exotic properties is indeed exotic and requires conditions very difficult to achieve. Otherwise, that property would not be exotic but something we see in our everyday life…

  6. I'm making 150 D0IIars an hour w0rking from h0me. I was sh0cked when my friend told me that she was maklng D0Ilars 17344/m just from her h0me 0nLlne. Then this completely changed my Llfe. 

    F0r Details check this >>>> cutt.ly/WPG4k6S

  7. In Larry Niven's classic sci-fi novel, Ringworld, it was revealed that the advance that had made the ring builder race so incredibly powerful had been the development of room-temperature superconductors (they were thousands of years more technologically advanced than we are now).

    How incredible it would be if we could come by this technology while the author is still alive.

  8. Yes, nested has been done for other things. They can make different sizes, pretty sure. I was thinking more recently that the tubes could be twisted after being filled, so the pressure would increase like wringing out laundry. but don't let the stuff out!

  9. You'd probably require nested nanotubes, like multiple compression socks, to achieve that sort of pressure. Real challenging to assemble a structure like that, because it has to be strained at the time it's made.

  10. There is a lot of debate by scientists if this is truly a room temperature superconductor. The need for a diamond anvil makes it impractical for commercial applications. However, if the configuration under extreme pressures could be recreated without the high pressures then this could lead to the development of commercially useful room temperature superconductors.

    Indeed, and if the configuration of Niobium metal under low temperatures could be recreated without the low temperatures this would also lead to the development of commercially useful room temperature superconductors.

  11. Yeah weren't we supposed to have maglev trains running through cities everywhere in 2010 because of those ceramic superconductors?

  12. The regulatory burden these days is really slowing down technological progress, but brittle ceramics really are not well suited for making into wire.

  13. I hope that is so. I remember 30 plus years ago when the early ceramic “high temperature” superconductors were being discovered and the popular scientific press was regaling my young mind with tales of the possibilities of the “soon to be discovered” room temperature superconductors. It’s been somewhat of a letdown to say the least.

  14. While a superconductor that's only superconducting under hundreds of gigapascals of pressure isn't terribly useful in itself, if understood, you could probably design a strained molecule where some part of the molecule was under comparable conditions, and which was at least metastable.

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