Google Announces Palm-2 and BARD as a New GPT-4 Competitors at Google IO 2023

Google’s CEO has announced that Google will be an AI first company. They are adding generative AI to all of their products including search, maps, gmail and workspace.

Google announces Palm-2 which powers an improved BARD as a new GPT-4 competitors. Palm-2 is integrated into 25 Google products.

BARD can handle over 20 programming languages.

5 thoughts on “Google Announces Palm-2 and BARD as a New GPT-4 Competitors at Google IO 2023”

  1. I wonder if the same thought occurred:
    when we discovered fire OR
    when we discovered electricity OR
    when we created the atomic bomb OR
    if it is the creation of a new species OR
    the evolution of the current species OR
    it is simply a tool to improve productivity & make life better!

  2. With the sudden onslaught of AI, the only question is when and how it will bring our doom.

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