Github Copilot X AI Boosts Programmer Productivity

Github Copilot X is the future of AI-powered software development. It integrates into every part of your workflow. Context-aware conversations with your coding copilot. If you’re stuck solving a problem, ask GitHub Copilot to explain a piece of code. Bump into an error? Have GitHub Copilot fix it. It’ll even generate unit tests so you …

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500 Wh/kg Silicon Anode Amprius Battery for Drones and Electric Passenger Planes

Amprius Technologies’ batteries deliver up to double the energy density over standard lithium-ion batteries. This means the battery cells provide more energy and power with much less weight and volume. Amprius will have a quarterly investor call at 5 pm EST, 2pm PST today. TODAY, Amprius Technologies, Inc. (“Amprius” or the “Company”) (NYSE: AMPX), a …

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Artificial General Intelligence is Happening, Just a Question of How Much

Stephen McAleese, at Less Wrong, used scaling rules and formulas to try to predict the performance of GPT-4. He underpredicted the capabilities of GPT-4. However, he was not widely wrong. GPT-4 came out earlier than he expected and had better performance than expected. Multi-task Language Understanding on MMLU was better than expected. GPT-4 can work …

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GPT4 Can Replace Jobs By Making the Best More Productive

A senior developer tested GPT4 for programming. GPT4 gave the Terraform script code for a single instance of the Fargate API. GPT4 knows that the code will not scale to 10,000 requests per second. It then describes how to create an auto-scaling group and make the modifications to scale the code with AWS and configure …

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Midjourney Image Generating AI Improves

MidJourney Version 5 launched yesterday and they did a 3 1/2 hour livestream for the launch. The improvements for generating images from prompts are: * doubled the resolution * more realistic skin textures. Blemishes, freckles and moles. * teeth and hands are more realistic * it takes grammatically correct sentences for prompts Brian WangBrian Wang …

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Video Evidence that Teslabot is Already in the Factory Helping With Car Production

There is video evidence that Teslabots are in a Tesla factory working on production equipment on a production process to make production parts for production cars. The robots aren't coming. They are already here. This is not a lab. This is on the production floor. That is production equipment. That is a production process. That …

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SVB Crisis Explained

The SVB situation is explained by Jay Singh, Former Goldman Sachs Manager of billion dollar funds and founder of Specialist Research. Tom Nash is interviewing Jay Singh. The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank bought $90 billion of ten-year securities. They did not offset the long-duration interest risk. They did not have interest rate hedges. When …

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What is Left Before AGI ?

The three main ingredients leading to predictable improvements in AI performance are training data, computation, and improved algorithms. In the mid-2010s, some AI researchers noticed that larger AI systems were consistently smarter, and so they theorized that the most important ingredient in AI performance might be the total budget for AI training computation. When this …

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Human Level Artificial General Intelligence for All Tasks by 2026

Dr Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in artificial intelligence (AI), specializing in the augmentation of human intelligence, and advancing the evolution of ‘integrated AI’. He defines AGI as being able to have artificial intelligence at human level or above for all tasks. AI is already helping to create the chips used for AI. …

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