India will Orbiter and Rover to the moon in 2018

India will make its second mission to the moon in 2018, the Indian Space Research Organization announced this week. The Chandrayaan 2 spacecraft consists of an orbiter, lander and rover configuration “to perform mineralogical and elemental studies of the lunar surface,” the ISRO said. Chandrayaan 2, India’s second mission to the Moon, is an advanced …

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Exponential industrialization of space is more important than combat lasers and hypersonic fighters

It is likely that the US will be integrating combat lasers onto planes, ships and vehicles over the next ten years and deploying hypersonic missiles. However, China, Russia and other nations are roughly keeping pace with US development of hypersonic missiles and planes and are not that far behind in combat lasers. China is at …

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China details plans through 2050 – health, AI, sharing economy and more

China has laid out a for a comprehensive national renaissance by 2050. Xi’s report includes 12 sections, each breaking into numerous parts covering issues including housing, health, science, defense, artificial intelligence and the sharing economy. 1. The Xi plan projects the basic realization of socialist modernization by 2035, resulting in a major expansion of the …

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Saudi Arabia will build $500 billion high tech megacity called NEOM

Saudi Arabia will build a megacity called “NEOM,” will operate independently from the “existing governmental framework” with investors consulted at every step during development. The project will be backed by more than $500 billion from the Saudi government, its sovereign wealth fund and local and international investors, according to a statement released on Tuesday at …

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Small cities face greater impact from automation

A Northwestern University and MIT study of automation and unemployment risks suggests that small cities will be less resilient than large cities in weathering the impacts of automation. Cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants will experience more disruption. Smaller cities have proportional more jobs that are routine clerical work, such as cashier and food service …

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Virtual And Augmented Reality enable windowless armored vehicle to drive over 35 mph in offroad tests

After two years of research on Ground X-Vehicle Technologies, Honeywell brings “out-the-window views” and enhanced awareness to closed-cockpit environments. Honeywell has successfully completed research and testing of a virtual window technology as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Ground X-Vehicle Technologies program. An augmented and virtual reality headset along with a wraparound display …

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Los Altos High School Club Builds Self-Driving Vehicle

Thirty Los Altos high school students are building a 1:10 scale model of a self-driving car that will be able to navigate autonomously around their school. Their goal is to learn about and experiment with machine-learning and deep-learning technologies. It is a student-led effort. They used open-source code and off-the-shelf parts. All the electronics are …

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Better 24 by 7 all conditions vision for self driving cars

Startup AdaSky is creating a far infrared thermal camera called Viper for self driving cars. Viper is a breakthrough, complete-sensing solution to enable 24/7 driving, combining a far infrared thermal camera with advanced machine vision algorithms that lets autonomous vehicles see and understand the road in any lighting or weather condition. AdaSky’s advanced thermal sensing …

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Entirely automated giant 3D printing and robotics rocket factory

Relativity Space wants is reimagining the way rockets are built and flown with massive 3D printing. * 100X fewer parts. * 10X faster iteration * entirely 3D printed Relativity is creating the first autonomous rocket factory. Their long-term goal is the 3D printing the first rocket made from Mars. Relativity is creating the rocket factory …

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USA versus Japan with 12 ton 430 horse power Giant robots

USA Eagle Prime is taking on Japan’s Suidobashi megabot. MegaBots, Inc (USA) and Suidobashi Heavy Industry (Japan) have spent the past two years preparing real-life Giant Fighting Robots for a science-fiction inspired BATTLE OF THE CENTURY! The GIANT ROBOT DUEL will be is dropping now October 17th, 2017, at 7PM Pacific at IT'S TIME …

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