Helion Built One Third Scale Nuclear Fusion Engine. $20 Million For Full Scale Reactor in 2010-2011

Helion Energy has built a one third scale fusion generator and wants $20 million to build a full scale prototype by 2011. They would need another $100 million or so to build a first commercial version by 2019. Successful development of commercial nuclear fusion should revolutionize space travel, energy production and provide massive economic benefits …

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Optical Wavelength Cloaking Carpets

Michal Lipson and pals at Cornell University and Xiang Zhang and buddies at UC Berkeley say they have both built cloaks that are essentially mirrors with a tiny bump in which an object can hide. The cloaking occurs because the mirrors look entirely flat. The bump is hidden by a pattern of tiny silicon nanopillars …

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Ultrasound Imaging with Smartphones

The image of Zar’s carotid artery appears on this small, portable smartphone connected to the probe by a USB driver. William D. Richard, Ph.D., WUSTL (Washington University of St Louis) associate professor of computer science and engineering, and David Zar, research associate in computer science and engineering, have made commercial USB ultrasound probes compatible with …

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Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a nanoneedle to Inject into Living Cells

Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a membrane-penetrating nanoneedle for the targeted delivery of one or more molecules into the cytoplasm or the nucleus of living cells. In addition to ferrying tiny amounts of cargo, the nanoneedle can also be used as an electrochemical probe and as an optical biosensor. Supporting information for …

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Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy Starting Up

Transformational energy technology projects can be submitted to the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E or ARPA Energy) from May 12 to June 2, 2009 for the first round of funding. The agency defined as “transformational” a technology that “so outperforms current approaches that it causes an industry to shift its technology base to …

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Electro Thermal Dynamic Stripping Oil Recovery Could Unlock 400 Billion More Barrels of Oil in Alberta at $26/Barrel

A field test was performed from Sept 2006 to August 2007 and the recovery and performance exceeded expectations. The recovery factor was over 75%, energy used per barrel was 23% less than anticipated and peak production rates were better than expected. ET Energy’s Electro Thermal technology could be used to pump out 600 billion barrels …

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Considering Possibilities for a Room Temperature Quantum Computer

Fig 1: Optically controlled spintronic patches might be linked by flying qubits to form a larger processor. Even 20 qubits linked within a patch would provide only a very modest quantum computer. Linking 10 or 12 patches would be much more impressive. This figure shows schematically such a linkage to form a larger processor. If …

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Microsoft Has An Interesting Vision : Where the software works flawlessly and the Displays are Cheap and In Everything

Productivity Future Vision The main aspects of this vision are superior computer displays like OLED and improved LED. * Displays are in every glass or flat surface. This would require displays to become 10 to 1000 times or more cheaper than they are now and to use 10 to 1000 times less power* The interactive …

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Carnival of Space 100

Carnival of Space #100 is up at the One Minute Astronomer. This site provide a projection 250 years forward to the timeframe of Star Trek the new movie (which is the same timeframe of the Original Series. Cumbrian Sky celebrate the Kepler telescope and its mission to find Earth like world. Beyond Apollo looks at …

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