Genetic makeup (gene UGT2B17) effects testosterone sports doping drug test results

From the Economist magazine, the genetic makeup of individuals effects results of performance enhancing doping tests. It shows that some dopers would not be caught with current tests and that some innocent people would be accused. I think we just need to make better safe forms of enhancement and then not worry about it. The …

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Bakken oil from USGS 1995 and decline rates

Here is a picture of the geological layers and formations in the Williston basin (where a potential very large oil resource called the Bakken formation is located). I have previously discussed the great potential of the Bakken oil resource. This information is from the 1995 US Geological Survey (USGS) of the area. A new USGS …

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Energy plan

Updating and synthesizing my articles on energy into an energy plan. I will update this article with more updates and synthesize past and new information that I have gathered. Short termEfficiency and drilling for regular and enhanced recovery, policy that discourages coal and fossil fuel and encourages nuclear and renewables. Try to reduce fuel usage …

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Constant threats and challenges to life, Bacteria needs to be emulated

A couple of interesting posts about historical threats to civilization and life by Howard Bloom. Natural climate shifts and from space (not asteroids but interstellar gases). Humans are not the most successful life, bacteria is the most successful. Bacteria has survived for 3.85 billion years. Humans for 100,000 years. All other kinds of life lasted …

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Software and design innovation is enabling a 2 litre engine to perform like a 3-4 litre and save 27% on fuel

Better computer software is enabling a smaller engine to have higher performance and use 27% less fuel with low emissions Ricardo’s engine, called 2/4SIGHT, uses valves like a four-stroke engine, but in two-stroke mode, the engine keeps both the intake and exhaust valves open at the same time so that the fuel and air in …

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Stanford researchers develop tool that ‘sees’ internal body details 1,000 smaller

Stanford University School of Medicine researchers has developed a new type of imaging system that can illuminate tumors in living subjects—getting pictures with a precision of nearly on nanometer (one-trillionth of a meter). This technique, called Raman spectroscopy, expands the available toolbox for the field of molecular imaging, said team leader Sanjiv Sam Gambhir, MD, …

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Fermi paradox, metamaterials, dark matter, recent science and advanced aliens fading into the background

Traditional view of a Dyson’s sphere. Metamaterials could mask and alter the observable signature and alter the interaction with magnetism and the spectrum of space. The theory of dark matter is that 85-90% of the mass in the universe is dark and does not interact with the electromagnetic force. Recently there has been the design …

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Gene Therapy Breakthrough- Three Micro RNA inhibition injections reduces cholesterol 30%, 2013 for human use

Two forms of RNA either boost or suppress protein production, and scientists have in recent years discovered this system is central to a range of illnesses, including cancers, viral infections, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. Previous attempts to manipulate this process have failed because the drug molecules used were too large to get to the …

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The big energy picture

This is how much energy the United States was using from 2002 to 2006. Notice that solar is 0.1%. Nuclear increase from 2002 to 2006 was equal to the total amount of all solar power. (even though that was just operating efficiency and some small nuclear uprates). Oil and fossil fuel usage was increasing. Petroleum …

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Transhuman comic book series

There is a new comic book series entitled Transhuman Note: a comment on the pictured excerpt talking about average life expectancy. Some countries such as Japan already have life expectancy over 82 years. People who do not smoke, exercise, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and moderate alcohol consumption live 14 years longer In …

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