Anthropic Claude 3 is Sometimes Better than OpenAI GPT4 Turbo

The various Claude 3 models are ranking very closely to the OpenAI GPT 4 AI models. Claude is able to understand images. I uploaded the picture of a SpaceX Starship refueling in space. Claude Sonnet described its understanding as follows. The image depicts two futuristic-looking spacecraft or rockets in space, seemingly in orbit around the …

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Personal Data Exposed in Massive Global Hack: Understanding the Implications & Guarding Privacy- Axios Security Group

Washington DC, United States, April 16th, 2024, CyberNewsWire In a digital age where information is the new currency, the recent global hack has once again highlighted the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. The breach was identified as Midnight Blizzard, from the Russian state-sponsored actor known as NOBELIUM. It has affected Millions of individuals and …

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First Light Fusion Makes Progress Towards an Economical Working Fusion Reactor

First Light Fusion is developing an inertial fusion with a pulsed process. They fire physical projectiles at high speeds like 40 kilometers per second to generate fusion OR they may use high-power lasers to generate the fusion. They are working on methods with the targets and other systems to amplify the pressures generated and increase …

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Tesla Unveils the Robotaxi on August 8 during an ongoing FSD Ramp. What is known and unknown?

Tesla is unveiling the Robotax on August 8, 2024 there is an ongoing ramp of the FSD (full self driving) software. What do we no know and not know about this rapidly changing situation? This is all happening as Tesla’s sales growth is “between two growth waves”. Tesla has cut over 10% of its staff …

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Rocketstar Creates Nuclear Fusion to Indirectly Boost to Electric Space Propulsion

RocketStar has announced the first successful demonstration of their nuclear fusion-enhanced pulsed plasma FireStarâ„¢ Drive. They have enhanced electric drive space propulsion. Electric propulsion drives create small amounts of thrust but are significantly more fuel-efficient than conventional chemical rockets. Electric propulsion are ion and hall effect drives. They are like the tortoise to the chemical …

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Who wins AI? How do they Make Money? Will Voice Be the Main Interaction to AI?

Microsoft is doing very well by buying OpenAI. OpenAI is making money now. AI Models are becoming commoditized. In the long run, there seems to be a race to the bottom on pricing. Open Source AI models like Meta could be used to become the Platform. All of the development happens on your platform. If …

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