Cypago Announces New Automation Support for AI Security and Governance

Tel Aviv, Israel, April 10th, 2024, CyberNewsWire Cyber GRC software company Cypago has announced a new automation solution for artificial intelligence (AI) governance, risk management and compliance. This includes implementation of NIST AI RMF and ISO/IEC 42001, the newest AI security and governance frameworks. With more and more companies integrating new AI tools into their …

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Snapshot of the Race for More AI Compute

The number of Nvidia H100 and other Nvidia chips that an AI company represents the AI compute resources of that company. Elon indicated that a recent chart showing Meta leading on the GPU count and Tesla trailing at 10,000 G100 GPUs. Microsoft and OpenAI would also have higher GPU counts. It is unclear why Microsoft …

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AI LLM Has Trillion Dollar Use Case By Increasing Computer Programming Productivity

Devin is an AI that was used on the SWE-bench, a challenging benchmark that asks agents to resolve real-world GitHub issues found in open source projects like Django and scikit-learn. Devin correctly resolves 13.86% of the issues end-to-end, far exceeding the previous state-of-the-art of 1.96%. Even when given the exact files to edit, the best …

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SpaceX Plans a Permanent Moonbase

SpaceX will build a permanently manned moonbase using many lunar Starships. The Lunar Starship will have landing legs, but no heat shield and no flaps. The Lunar Starships would only dock with tankers and would not land back on Earth. SpaceX has increased efforts and planning for a moonbase. Japanese entrepreneur and billionaire Yusaku Maezawa …

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Korean Video Shows Possible Weak Magnetic Locking Effects

One of the Korean researchers working on room temperature superconductors shows a sample with some possible magnetic locking effects. The phenomenon occurred when he found and cut out a part of the sample that was felt to have strong diamagnetism. He does not know if the effect can be explained by Lenz’s law. He thinks …

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Unlocking the Future with Andromeda’s Upcoming Mainnet Launch

As the crypto market has evolved in recent years, more and more projects have been actively looking to devise simple offerings that can allow developers create their own decentralized applications (dApps) with the touch of a button. In this regard, a project called Andromeda has garnered a lot of mainstream traction over the past year, …

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