George Church Aging Reversal Progress Update

George Church is a giant in genetics and has started many biotech companies. Professor Church helped initiate the Human Genome Project in 1984 and the Personal Genome Project in 2005. He has co-authored 592 papers, 143 patent publications & the book “Regenesis”. He is known as the father of synthetic biology and the CRISPR-CAS9 gene-editing …

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Rapid Aging Reversal Achieved With Human Cells

Transient reprogramming, mediated by transient expression of mRNAs, promotes a rapid reversal of both cellular aging and of epigenetic clock in human fibroblasts and endothelial cells, reduces the inflammatory profile in human chondrocytes, and restores youthful regenerative response to aged, human muscle stem cells, in each case without abolishing cellular identity. Old human cells can …

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AnAge database of animal longevity and other aging databases

AnAge is a curated database of aging and life history in animals, including extensive longevity records. AnAge was primarily developed for comparative biology studies, in particular studies of longevity and aging, but can also be useful for ecological and conservation studies and as a reference for zoos and field biologists. It can be used to …

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George Church talks about reversing human aging and claims they made mice live twice as long

George Church is developing better and better organs using pigs. They are working to slow or reverse the aging in the organs to be used for transplant. [about 8:40 in the video] He says the organ longvity has also been done successfully with entire mice. They have mice that live twice as long. He says …

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Living to 90 and beyond is mostly within your control

Worldwide there are over 500,000 centenarians. By 2025, there should be a million centenarians in the world and 2 million by 2040. This is before the changes that might occur with radically improved antiaging or aging reversal technology. In 2015, the United States has the most centenarians (people who live to 100) with current estimates …

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Improving flow in lymph nodes in the neck improves memory and learning and could reduce memory loss from aging

The lymphatic vessels long thought not to exist are essential to the brain’s ability to cleanse itself. UVA researchers were able to use a compound to improve the flow of waste from the brain to the lymph nodes in the neck of aged mice. The vessels became larger and drained better, and that had a …

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Drug boosts immune system in elderly people by 40% and it also has antiaging effect in fruit flies

Drugs were created to block a protein called the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and it boosted the immune system by about 40% in elderly people. They safely reducing infections in elderly volunteers around 40% by enhancing the immune system. In 2004, tests that blocked a similar enzyme in fruit flies gave them a longer …

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