Hayworth’s brain-preservation and mind-uploading protocol

Kurzweilai – Neuroscientist Kenneth Hayworth wants his 100 billion neurons and more than 100 trillion synapses to be encased in a block of transparent, amber-colored resin — before he dies of natural causes. Hayworth’s brain-preservation and mind-uploading protocol Before becoming “very sick or very old,” he’ll opt for an “early ‘retirement’ to the future,” he …

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Shell Estimates Iraq could Produce 6 to 10 million barrels of oil per day in the early 2020s

NY Times – Iraq produces around three million barrels a day, and few analysts believe it can reach its goal of 10 million barrels a day by 2017, a target Baghdad recently reduced from a previous estimate of 12 million barrels a day by that year. But Hans Nijkamp, Royal Dutch Shell’s Iraq country chairman, …

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3D printing method for polymer features at a resolution of just 10 nanometers and many metamaterial applications

Engineer UK – A novel 3D printing method could allow the creation of polymer features at a resolution of just 10nm, opening up the path to a raft of new metamaterials. ‘Currently, there is no real three-dimensional fabrication method on the nanoscale,’ said lead investigator Joachim Fischer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). ‘The …

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