Vera Rubin Telescope Could Detect Mars, Mercury And Pluto Sized Planets from 2025-2035

Researchers estimate that the number of captured free-floating planets in the outer solar system with mass strictly greater than that of Mars is ∼1.2 and that the number of such planets with a strict cutoff at the mass of Mercury is ∼2.4. When they instead adopt logarithmic bins centered at the Mars mass and the …

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Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts

Here is update on the analysis of the remains of interstellar meteor IM1. There was a paper claiming the IM1 remains were coal ash but that is disproved. The detection threshold of surveys which rely on reflected sunlight sets the minimum size of a detectable object as a function of its distances from the observer …

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Magnetized Black Holes Can Create Superconducting Effect in Raw Vacuum

Using first-principle lattice simulations, researchers demonstrate that in the background of a strong magnetic field (around 10^20 Tesla – 100 million trillion Tesla aka 100 quintillion), the electroweak sector of the vacuum experiences two consecutive crossover transitions associated with dramatic changes in the zero-temperature dynamics of the vector bosons and the scalar Higgs particles, respectively. …

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Plan to Prototype Simple Space Telescope Arrays on the Moon

NASA NIAC willl investigate the details of building a high-resolution, long-baseline, optical imaging interferometer on the lunar surface in conjunction with the Artemis Program. A lunar infrastructure can happen over the next few years through the NASAArtemis Program and the SpaceX Lunar Starsihp. The study of a lunar surface-based interferometer will be a huge step …

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Habital Cold Ocean Planets Could Be Vastly Outnumber Earth-Like Worlds

Ocean planets are a proposed class of low-density, terrestrial exoplanets with substantial liquid water layers. They may exist in a variety of climactic states including ice free, partially ice covered, or completely frozen over at their surfaces. Researchers call ocean-bearing planets with ice-covered surfaces as cold ocean planets. Cold ocean planets may be plentiful in …

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Magnetic Star Can Cut A Companion Star in Half

Researchers have modeled the dynamics of an equatorial explosion powered by a millisecond magnetar formed from the core collapse of a massive star. Magneto-centrifugally-driven, relativistic magnetar winds might be powerful enough to produce an ultra-relativistic blade (“lamina”) that successfully carves its way through the dense stellar interior of another star. They present high-resolution numerical special-relativistic …

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Use Online Astronomy Sites to Look for Comet 12P/Pons Brooks

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is a Halley-type periodic comet that was first discovered by Jean-Louis Pons on July 12, 1812 and then independently rediscovered by William Robert Brooks in 1883. It has an orbital period of about 71.3 years. Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will make its return in 2024 and it is expected to reach its maximum brightness (potentially …

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Earth Extinction Sized Comets

NASA has a catalog of many large comets and some of them are nearly as large or larger than the Chicxulub impactor (Dinosaur killer). Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle takes 133 years to orbit the Sun once. Swift-Tuttle last reached perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) in 1992 and will return again in 2125. Swift-Tuttle is a large …

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