New Mice stem cells mean 10 years to large clinical trials

“Finding a type of mouse stem that so closely resembles the human stem cells will accelerate the delivery of health benefits from stem cell research.” When asked how far away the first applications might be, Prof Pedersen said: “We’re talking five years. Those would be very early studies that involve a human individual. I think …

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Comprehensive list of the work needed to realize vision of molecular manufacturing

Those who are actually working towards molecular manufacturing had been compiling a detailed list since 2001 of the work that was still needed to be done to achieve diamondoid molecular manufacturing. Go through this link to see how you can help support this work. Since 2001 we have been compiling a growing list of technical …

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US pressures China to increase Yuan value faster

The USA is threatening 27% tariffs against China to force China to more quickly raise the value of the Yuan by 15 to 40% This supports my thesis that China’s economy will the pass the USA by 2020 15% appreciation in the yuan would move it from 7.6 to 1 US dollar to 6.6 to …

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Early nanomedicine helping to regenerate nerves

Nanofiber scaffolds can help nerves grow 4 millimeters in 5 days anda method developed at the University of Miami shows how magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) may be used to create mechanical tension that stimulates the growth and elongation of axons of the central nervous system neurons. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have developed a …

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Trillion pixel image created

Aperio makes first trillion pixel image created Consisting of a 225 pathology slides of breast tissue, the 143GB image vastly exceeds the 4GB limit imposed by the original TIFF format while retaining backwards compatibility. The new format will be open source. The company says the technology’s stupendous image resolution makes it possible to create spectacularly …

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Long range laser surveillance

Laser surveillance of reflective tags offers high precision and long range tracking alternative to short range RFIDs Using low-cost reflective tags placed on objects, LBIMS maps the precise location of high-value items. The laser can scan many points per second and can detect small changes – less than a centimeter – in the reflected signal, …

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21st Century will be a China Century

Al fin points an article by City Journal about flaws in China’s success story. Yes, there are huge environmental challenges and yes there are a lot of people still below western standards of middle class. However, the extremely poor have mostly been raised to just poor. I do not agree that china is not raising …

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Discovery of first gene that specifically links calorie restriction to longevity

Loss of only one of the genes, a gene encoding the protein PHA-4, negated the lifespan-enhancing effect of calorie-restriction in worms. And, when researchers undertook the opposite experiment—by overexpressing pha-4 in worms—the longevity effect was enhanced. “PHA-4 acts completely independent of insulin/IGF-1 signaling and turns out to be essential for CR-mediated longevity,” says Panowski. “We …

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Water used for nuclear power is not destroyed

One of the main uses of water in the power industry is to cool the power-producing equipment. Water used for this purpose does cool the equipment, but at the same time, the hot equipment heats up the cooling water. Overly hot water cannot be released back into the environment — fish downstream from a power …

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Quantum hall effect observed at room temperature

Quantum hall effect observed at room temperature using strong magnetic fields observations of graphene. The quantum Hall effect was previously believed to only be observable at temperatures close to absolute zero (equal to minus 459 degrees). But when scientists at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the U.S. and at the High Field Magnet …

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Nanowelding nano-electronics

Researchers in Switzerland have developed a new technique for joining nanotubes. One technique, called “nanorobotic” spot welding, uses molten copper to join up objects in the same way that a human electrician might use solder. They position 50-nanometre-wide carbon nanotube filled with copper inside a nanorobotic manipulator, and run a small voltage through it to …

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