Beginning of thousands of jobs losses to robotic trucks and cars and to saving billions of dollars

Suncor Energy, Canada’s largest oil company, confirmed this week it has entered into a five-year agreement with Komatsu Ltd., the Japanese manufacturer of earthmoving and construction machines, to purchase new heavy haulers for its mining operations north of Fort McMurray. All the new trucks will be “autonomous-ready,” meaning they are capable of operating without a …

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Latest on CRISPR and genomics starting with compression of full genome data by over 1 million times and thousands of fold progress on CRISPR genome changes

It is now possible to record a human genome (differences relative to a reference is only 2 megabytes. This is instead of 9 terabytes for a human genome with image data. Genomes for the entire human population is 2 petabytes. Getting to one off target in one in 100 trillion (10^14) to one in 10 …

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OECD calculates that China about 65% urbanized and has 17 megacities based on Functional urban area

Instead of just looking at cities’ administrative borders or “statutory city population,” OECD’s study takes into account surrounding “functional urban areas” (FUA), which may lie outside the administrative borders but are significant to the social and economic makeup of the city. A lot of this is the result of China’s complex “hukou” system, the registration …

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USA aircraft carriers definition means France has only other aircraft carrier

A 45,000 ton ship with a large, horizontal flight deck and up to 20 F-35B Joint Strike Fighters sure does look like an aircraft carrier. However, the USA does not want to count such carriers as aircraft carriers. So they are defined as not being an aircraft carrier able to control an area of the …

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‘Direct writing’ of diamond patterns from graphite a potential technological leap

A new technique uses a pulsing laser to create synthetic nanodiamond films and patterns from graphite, with potential applications from biosensors to computer chips. “The biggest advantage is that you can selectively deposit nanodiamond on rigid surfaces without the high temperatures and pressures normally needed to produce synthetic diamond,” said Gary Cheng, an associate professor …

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Caterpillar Inc. Funds Viterbi ‘Print-a-House’ Contour Crafting Technology

Caterpillar, the world’s largest manufacturer of construction equipment, is starting to support research on the “Contour Crafting” automated construction system that its creator believes will one day be able to build full-scale houses in hours. This is concrete-jet instead of inkjet printing technology. Printing buildings to speed up the economy is one of the key …

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