FDA Considers a pill for HIV Prevention which can reduce infection by 75%

Federal drug regulators on Tuesday affirmed landmark study results showing that a popular HIV-fighting pill can also help healthy people avoid contracting the virus that causes AIDS in the first place. While the pill appears safe and effective for prevention, scientists stressed that it only works when taken on a daily basis. The Food and …

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India can build nuclear reactors for $1700 per kilowatt

1. India can build cheaper nuclear reactors, than even South Korea according to Dr Srikumar Banerjee, secretary in the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), said India can now manufacture nuclear reactors at $1,700 per kilowatt. “We are now the world’s most economical manufacturer of nuclear reactors. Our cost per unit, of $1,700 (for a 700mw …

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Early exoskeletons and biological soldier enhancements will not change the battlefield more than other weapon systems

Patrick Lin discusses the ethical impact of new biological and exoskeleton enhancements to soldiers. Soldiers will soon be able to crawl up and down walls like a real life Gecko or the fictional Spiderhttp://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=17555522#editor/target=post;postID=9032631527705685216man. They will have the technology to stick and unstick with hands and feet to walls. This was also shown in the …

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Self-Assembling Nanorods: Berkeley Lab Researchers Obtain 1, 2 and 3D Nanorod Arrays and Networks

A relatively fast, easy and inexpensive technique for inducing nanorods – rod-shaped semiconductor nanocrystals – to self-assemble into one-, two- and even three-dimensional macroscopic structures has been developed by a team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). This technique should enable more effective use of nanorods …

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Outline of technological expected, probable and possible developments for the next 30 years

Now through 2021 Foxconn and Heartland Robotics and other companies will be driving costs down and capabilities up for robotics for manufacturing and home usage. There should be 100 million to 1 billion highly functional robots by the end of 2021. There will be a new category of robot using smartphones and tablets as the …

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Gene found that can double yeast lifespan when turned on late in life

A whole yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell viewed by X-ray microscopy. Inside, the nucleus and a large vacuole (red) are visible. Image: NIH Human cells have a finite lifespan: They can only divide a certain number of times before they die. However, that lifespan is reset when reproductive cells are formed, which is why the children …

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Surface-Plasmon Holography with White-Light Illumination

Surface plasmon hologram and its color reconstruction with white-light illumination. (A) The SPP hologram is illuminated by white light at a given angle θ in high-index medium. Surface plasmons of a selected color are excited and diffracted by the SPP hologram to reconstruct the wavefront of the object. (B) Dispersion curve of the SPP hologram …

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World’s largest steel maker will be commercially launching stronger nanostructured steel in 2 to 3 years

The world’s largest steel maker, ArcelorMital, has a new nanostructured steel which is not inherently lighter, but it’s so strong that automakers can use thinner gauges and that’s where part of the weight savings comes from. Another part of the weight savings comes from not having to use additional brackets, gussets or panels to strengthen …

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Blacklight Power announces independent replications of energy generation and a light emission that they claims confirms hydrinos

Blacklight Power announced three replications of their work and claims regarding hydrinos. Blacklight Power still is not generating any commercial electricity and has not widely distributed any test systems for more open verification of extraordinary claims. Greentechmedia – the latest extraordinary claim of Blacklight Power BlackLight Power is back, and it says it can generate …

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